brochure des spectrophotomètres photolab 7000 series
Brochure sur les spectrophotomètres photolab 7100 VIS et 7600 UV-VIS

Contenu du document
The photoLab® 7000 series spectrophotometers
photoLab® 7100 VIS / photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS
Pioneering combination of routine and spectral analysis
Modern optics — pioneering procedures
- Proven user guidance
- Highest precision
- Comprehensive AQA
Lab routine becomes fun...
- Barcode support for test kits in round and rectangular cuvettes
- Automatic cuvette recognition with 10, 20, and 50 mm cuvettes
- Automatic measurement range adjustment
- Automatically stored data and comfortable data management
- More than 200 methods including special procedures such as free Ammonia, CO2, SAC, and color
- Programming of user-defined methods
Complex procedures become a piece of cake...
- Multi-step tasks with step-by-step data entry and operation: programmed with variables, operators, and conditions
- Calculation methods for multi-wavelength procedures
Faster than any digestion
photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS’s innovative Optical Reagent-Free (OptRF) measurement:
- Put sample into quartz cuvette, select method, read result
- COD, NO3, and NO2 via spectral photometric measurement in the UV-VIS range is a quick, additional control measurement. They can be used for fast verification of official reporting data and retainer samples.
- Automatic evaluation of spectra with instant readings
- User calibration for higher accuracy readings
- Eco-friendly minimization of reagents and tests
- Linking IQ Sensor Net to photometric methods
Kinetics – Chemical Reaction Rates
Offering storage of user profiles and data processing:
- Profiles with color assignment
- Editing profiles (addition, comparison, ...)
- Readings in absorbance or % transmission
Spectrophotometers for Routine and Spectral Analysis with Proven AQA
photoLab® 7100 VIS covering the range from 320 to 1100 nm. Universal instrument suitable for all routine measurements with test kits, in service labs, industry, and R&D, wherever the UV range is not needed.
photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS covering the range from 190 to 1100 nm. Ideal for additional self-control with optical reagent-free methods (OptRF) and UV-VIS procedures for many applications.
Technical Data
- photoLab® 7100 VIS: 320–1100 nm
- photoLab® 7600 UV/VIS: 190–1100 nm
- Optics: Monochromator with grating and step motor / reference beam
- Lamp: Tungsten-halogen (7100) / Xenon flash lamp (7600)
- Display: Backlit 7” color display for extensive graphical evaluation
- Bandwidth: 4 nm
- Measurement: Concentration, absorbance, % transmission, kinetics, and spectra in Abs or % transmission, multi-wavelengths, and multi-step readings
- Scan speed: 700–2000 nm/min, Scans in 1, 2, 5, 10 nm steps of wavelength range
- Wavelength accuracy/reproducibility: ± 1 nm / < 0.5 nm
- Photometric accuracy/reproducibility: – 0.003 E for E < 0.600; 0.5% of values for 0.600 < E < 2.000
- Cuvette: 16 mm round, 10 mm, 20 mm, 50 mm rectangular with automatic detection w/o adapter
- Bar code: Automatic method recognition including measurement range for all cuvettes
- Data storage: 5000 measurement values, spectra and kinetics approx. 40 MB => 500 spectra (300–900 nm) and 400 kinetics with 150 measurement values
- Methods and profiles: > 200 pre-programmed methods, 1000 user-defined methods, 20 profiles for kinetics and spectra, comprehensive programming options
- Interface/update: 1 USB-A, 1 USB-B, 1 Ethernet / Update via Internet and USB stick
- IP Class: IP 30 including drainage in optical compartment
- Power Supply: Universal power supply, optional supply via standard adaptor cable for car batteries
- Temperature Range: Operation: +10 °C to +35 °C, Storage: –25 °C to +65 °C
- Weight / Dimensions: approx. 4.5 kg / 404 mm width x 197 mm height x 314 mm depth
- Accessories: PC software photoLab® Data spectral+photoLab® color, field case, checking tools for AQA
Order Information
- photoLab® 7100 VIS: Spectrophotometer for Routine and Spectral Analysis in the VIS range from 320-1100 nm, Order No. 250 203
- photoLab® 7600 UV-VIS: Spectrophotometer for Routine and Spectral Analysis in the UV-VIS range from 190-1100 nm, Order No. 250 204
- photoLab® Data spectral: PC software for easy data management, extended with photoLab® color (available in September 2015), Order No. 902 761
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