manuel d'installation du teknaevo tpg
Guide d'installation pour le modèle Teknaevo TPG

Contenu du document
Installation manual
Rev. 1.0, EM00136424
Control panel – TEKNA TPG
- Access to the programming menu: Cyclically displays programmed values. Press with or keys to increase/decrease values. Functions as an 'enter' key during programming to confirm entries and modifications.
- Starts and stops the pump: Deactivates display signals for level alarm, flow alarm, and active memory alarm.
- Exit programming levels: Prompts to save changes before exiting.
- Menu navigation: Use to navigate up and down menu items and change numerical values. Flashing green LED during dosage. Red LED for alarm situations.
Electrical connections
- Alarm relay
- Pole + and - for 4-20 mA input signal (Input impedance: 200 ohms)
- Remote control input (start-stop), Pause signal input, Frequency signal input (water meter pulse-sender), Trigger signal input, Flow sensor input, Input level control
Programming menu TPG
Access by pressing the key for over three seconds. Use keys to navigate menu items and access changes. The pump is programmed in constant mode by default. Any data entered without activity will not be saved. Exit programming through the key; the display will show options to save or discard.
Paragraphs overview
- Paragraph 1 - Manual Dosage: Operates in constant mode, manually regulated by pressing keys simultaneously to increase/decrease flow.
- Paragraph 2 - Dosage Proportional to Signal 0/4-20 mA: Doses proportionally to 0/4-20 mA signal, programmable to change flow frequency.
- Paragraph 3 - Dosage Proportional to Signal 20-4/0 mA: Similar to 0/4-20 mA, changes during programming to adjust flow frequency.
- Paragraph 4 - Percentage Mode: Doses proportionally to the external flow meter, programmable for different percentages.
- Paragraph 5 - Proportional to External Impulses (multiplication): Doses in proportion to external signal, with programmable timeout and memory function.
- Paragraph 6 - Proportional to External Impulses (division): Doses after receiving a specific number of signals, percentage of maximum dosage set by 'n' value.
- Paragraph 7 - Proportional to External Impulses (batch dosage): Doses set quantities over defined times, changeable in operation.
- Paragraph 8 - Proportional to External Impulses (PPM dosage): Doses based on programmable ppm value and concentration.
- Paragraph 9 - Timed Dosage (Frequency signal input “TRIGGER” activated): Doses a programmable quantity after receiving the trigger signal, with delay and interval settings.
- Paragraph 10 - Setting the Maximum Flow: Allows changing the maximum flow rate.
- Paragraph 11 - Setting the Alarm Relay: Configure relay to open or close in non-alarm situations.
- Paragraph 12 - Flow Calibration: Calibrate via manual or automatic methods.
- Paragraph 13 - Statistics: Displays pump operation time, stroke counts, dosed quantities, and resets via the menu.
- Paragraph 14 - Password: Set and enter passwords to access programming and change settings.
- Paragraph 15 - Flow Alarm: Activates the flow sensor with options to set delay and recovery mode during alarms.
- Paragraph 16 - Level Alarm: Sets pump to stop or continue dosing without interruption during alarms.
- Paragraph 17 - Flow Display Unit: Set unit of measurement for dosage on display: L/h, Gph, ml/m, etc.
- Paragraph 18 - Setting the Pause: Configure pause function through remote input for Normally Open or Closed settings.
Display contrast adjustment
Adjust display contrast by holding the key and pressing or within 5 seconds.
- Flashing 'Mem': Indicates stroke count exceeds maximum per minute.
- Flashing 'P1.0%': Pump unable to manage set percentage; dosing at maximum frequency.
- Fixed alarm LED: Level or flow alarms, with or without pump operation interruption.
For further details, refer to the full installation manual. Ensure to follow all safety and installation guidelines provided within.
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jeudi 11 mars 2021