manuel d'installation maxima plus mgr
manuel d'installation pour la pompe dosatrice maxima plus mgr

Contenu du document
Installation Manual - Maxima Plus MGR (EN)
Control Panel – MAXIMA PLUS MGR:
- Dosage LED in division (max 1 pulse: 1 stroke)
- Dosage LED in division (max 4 pulses: 1 stroke)
- Dosage LED in division (max 10 pulses: 1 stroke)
- Dosage LED in multiplication (1 pulse: n strokes)
- Two colours LEDs proportional dosage (4-20 mA) or constant
- Level probe, flow rate, memory and remote start/stop alarm LED
Regulations can be made by working on the regulation knob on the front of the pump.
Electrical connections:- 1: Alarm relay
- 2: 4-20 mA Input signal (Input impedance: 200 ohm)
- 3: -Input frequency signal, free contact (water-meter pulse-sender)
- 4: Remote start-stop control input (dry contact) (only in constant mode)
- Fixed alarm LED: End of level alarm - Restore the liquid level
- Flashing alarm LED: Memory alarm - Press the SEL button
- Flashing alarm LED in constant mode: Pump stopped from remote - Activate the start of the pump from remote
- Fixed alarm LED. Function mode off LED: System FAILURE alarm (hardware problem) - Check circuit
The MAXIMA PLUS MGR is a proportional pump with analogical interface.
Once the stroke length is set through the potentiometer, the pump will make 4 calibration strokes for the right setting.
Conexiones eléctricas (ES)
Relé de alarma
Entrada señal 4-20 mA
Impedancia de entrada: 200 ohm
Entrada señal en frecuencia, contacto libre (contador emisor de impulsos)
Entrada de control arranque/parada a distancia (contacto seco) (sólo en modo constante)
- Encendido led alarma fijo: Alarma final del nivel - Reestablecer el nivel del líquido
- Encendido led alarma parpadeante: Alarma memory: La bomba recibe uno o más impulsos durante la dosificación - Pulsar la tecla SEL
- Encendido led alarma intermitente LED en modo constante: Paro a distancia de la bomba - Activar inicio a distancia de la bomba
Connexions électriques (FR)
Relais Alarme
Entrée signal 4-20 mA (impédance d'entrée: 200 ohm)
Entrée signal fréquence, contact sec (compteur d’eau émetteur d’impulsion)
Entrée de commande démarrage/arrêt à distance (contact sec) (exclusif en mode constant)
- Allumage led alarme fixe: Alarme fin de niveau - Rétablir niveau liquide
- Allumage led alarme clignotante: Alarme mémoire: la pompe reçoit une ou plusieurs impulsions pendant le dosage - Pression de la touche SEL
- Allumage d’alarme DEL clignotant en mode constant: Arrêt à distance de la pompe - Activer le démarrage à distance de la pompe
Connessioni elettriche (IT)
Relè d'allarme
Ingresso 4-20 mA (impedenza d'ingresso: 200 ohm)
Impulsi liberi da tensione (contatore lancia-impulsi)
Ingresso controllo remoto start-stop (contatto secco) (solo in modalità costante)
- Accensione led allarme fisso: Allarme fine di livello - Ripristinare livello liquido
- Accensione led allarme lampeggiante: Allarme memory: la pompa riceve uno o più impulsi durante il dosaggio - Pressione del tasto SEL
- Accensione led allarme lampeggiante in modalità costante: Pompa in stop da remoto - Attivare lo start della pompa da remoto
????????????? ????????????? (RU)
???? ????????????
???? ??????? 4-20 ?? (???????? 200 ??)
???? ?????????? ??????? / ??????? ?? ???????????? ? ?????????? ???????
????????? ?????-???? ??????????? ???? (????? ???????) (?????? ? ?????? ???????????)
???????????????? ??????-????????: ??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ?????? 'SEL' (select). ????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????, ????????????? ?? ??????????? ????? ??????, ????????? ?????????????? ??????????? ??????.
- FIXED ALARM: end of level alarm - restore the liquid level
- Flashing LED in constant mode: Pump stopped from remote - Activate the start of the pump from remote