Brochure : Les solutions Xylem pour l’agriculture.pdf

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g???ae sp?`0?s o lu tio nsp?`0?X yle m p?`0?p ourp?`0?l ?a g ric u lt u re
IPF'c RW¥`B vrwpa IPF'c?PX?p XgW?1U??HUp?`0? L?v? uB4bx B`tR??e?s` L?v? ?e?s`?PX?p U ppV.XgW?1p?`0??PX?p ?e?s`p?`0?XgW?1 Y XgW?1?e?s` ? vrwpa ?PX?pXgW?1p?`0?IPF'c RW¥`B UppV.p?`0?g???a ?B`tR? ppV. ppV.B`tR?uB4bx L?v??e?s`B`tR?RW¥`B YTy?yU??HUp?`0? g???a ?PX?p p?`0??e?s` ppV. L?v? YTy?y XgW?1e?YFr?PX?p ppV. ?e?s`p?`0??PX?p ?e?s`p?`0?g???a ?PX?p p?`0??e?s` ppV. L?v? B`tR??e?s` ?PX?p vrwpa ?PX?pYTy?y ?e?s`
Ep?qe?PX?pXgW?1p?`0??PX?p e?YFre?YFrg???aU ?PX?pYTy?y ?e?s`XgW?1p?`0?L?v? uB4bx ppV.B`tR?u?YyY RW¥`B g???a?PX?p XgW?1
5L7b8y@e?s`oT9?9 m U?Cam??`.D @e?s` oT9?9 PP.Wd67a oT9?9r??`.Dm on67a ngW?/PP.Wd @e?s`U?Cam??`.D oT9?9 st??`.Ds p ?vD??pngW?/PP.Wd @e?s`ngW?/s ? oT9?9??`.D67a PP.Wdn s??`.D@e?s` PP.Wd ??`.DRWC`L o urn ngW?/t u roT9?9 ??`.D67a oT9?9??`.Ds o @e?s`u tngW?/o ns
p oT9?9rm oT9?9tt PP.Wd n t??`.D? ??`.Ds oT9?9 s??`.DvD??p @e?s`ngW?/oT9?9 n ts ??`.D67a oT9?9??`.Dr ? so u67a roT9?9 ??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 u rs ??`.Dp ro L`tR? @e?s`? m oT9?9s??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 s??`.Dp @e?s`u s??`.D67a ngW?/RWC`L RWC`L ngW?/vD??p ngW?/@e?s` oT9?9 s??`.D67a PP.Wdn s??`.D@e?s` oT9?9
67a om PP.WdngW?/n oT9?9??`.D67a oT9?9??`.D@e?s` ?oT9?9 PP.Wdu ÕX8Au??`.D\f voT9?9 vD??p??`.D7 c??E?4wXuo ??`.D67a oT9?9??`.D@e?s` PP.Wd ??`.DvD??p o nso m mPP.WdtngW?/o n??`.Dm on67a ngW?/PP.Wd @e?s`oT9?9 ??`.D67a ?oT9?9 PP.Wdu U?Cam??`.D @e?s` ?PP.Wd bPW'c rngW?/vD??p u @e?s`t u roT9?9
oT9?9 st??`.Ds PP.Wd n s??`.DvD??p o ntoT9?9 stoT9?9 ??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 ??`.Ds oT9?9 vD??ptoT9?9 u r??`.D67a ?PP.Wd vD??ptngW?/v ngW?/t ? ??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 ??`.Dp @e?s`u s??`.DvD??p o nso m mPP.WdtoT9?9 u r??`.D67a ?oT9?9 PP.Wdu ÕX8Au
t0pcnoT9?9 s??`.Ds o @e?s`u tngW?/o ns??`.D67a oT9?9??`.D5L7b8 y@e?s`oT9?9 m ??`.DngW?/ n toT9?9 rv ngW?/oT9?9 n noT9?9n t??`.D67a PP.Wdn s??`.D@e?s` ?PP.Wd bPW'c rngW?/vD??p u @e?s`t u roT9?9 U?Cam??`.D 67a u??`.Dp r? @e?s`? voT9?9 m oT9?9n t??`.D67a oT9?9
@e?s`WGX?` oT9?9 PP.Wdu ??`.D? ??`.Ds PP.Wd ??`.Dr oT9?9 stngW?/t u tngW?/o n??`.D67a PP.Wdn s??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 ??`.Dm ngW?/@e?s` ngW?/oT9?9 u ??`.Dn PP.Wdtu roT9?9 @e?s`U?Cam??`.D oT9?9 n ??`.Dp PP.WdssPP.Wd n t??`.Dp PP.Wdr??`.D@e?s` ? ngW?/r rngW?/bPW'c PP.WdtngW?/o nU?Cam??`.D @e?s` oT9?9
p om pPP.WdbPW'c oT9?9U?Cam??`.D @e?s` oT9?9 ??`.Dt r PP.Wd ngW?/t oT9?9 m oT9?9n t??`.Do u??`.DL`tR? ngW?/oT9?9 n ??`.D@e?s` PP.Wd ??`.Dm ?tApV PP.Wdn ngW?/s PP.Wd tngW?/o nÕX8Au
me?s? esaw7OGt e ch no lo g ie saw7OGa u aw7OGs e rv ic e aw7OGd eaw7OGl ?a g ric u lt u re
u?YyY ycle p?`0?d ep?`0?l?e au u?YyYycle p?`0?d esp?`0?e ff lu en ts p?`0?a g ric o le s
Main te n ir aw7OGl?? q uil ib re aw7OGe n tr e aw7OGle saw7OGe ff lu en ts aw7OGd Zenu? le va g eaw7OGe taw7OGla aw7OGn atu re
L a aw7OGp r? se rv a tio naw7OGd esaw7OGr e sso urc e saw7OGe taw7OGle aw7OGr e sp ectaw7OGd esaw7OG? q uil ib re saw7OGe n vir o nnem en ta u xaw7OGf o ntaw7OGp artie aw7OGd eaw7OGla aw7OGt r a d it io n
ag ric o le ,aw7OG o ?aw7OGd an saw7OGle aw7OGd om ain eaw7OGd eaw7OGlZenu ? le va g eaw7OGil aw7OG e staw7OGp rim ord ia law7OG d eaw7OGp r? se rv e raw7OGlZenu e n vir o nnem en taw7OGn atu re law7OG a u aw7OGt r a ve rs aw7OGd u
cyc le aw7OGd esaw7OGe ff lu en ts ?f
Fg??( Zenue staw7OGu neaw7OGt r a d it io naw7OGd an saw7OGla q uelle aw7OGn o usaw7OGs o m mesaw7OGa u ssiaw7OG aw7OGim pliq u?s?faw7OG Fg??( Zenue staw7OGp ourq uo iaw7OG n o usaw7OGa vo nsaw7OGd ?ve lo p p?aw7OGd es
sy st? m esaw7OGp ouraw7OGle aw7OGt r a n sfe rt,aw7OG lZenu h o m og ?n ?is a tio n,aw7OG le aw7OGt r a it e m en taw7OGe taw7OGla aw7OGs ? p ara tio naw7OGd eaw7OGp hase saw7OGd esaw7OGe ff lu en ts aw7OGd Zenu? le va g e
d Zenuu neaw7OGm an i? re aw7OGr e sp ectu eu se aw7OGd eaw7OGlZenu e n vir o nnem en t?f
L Zenu? le va g eaw7OGd esaw7OGd if f ? re n te saw7OGe sp ?ce saw7OGa n im ale saw7OGn ?ce ssit e aw7OGp ouraw7OGle saw7OG? le ve u rs aw7OGu naw7OG? q uip em en taw7OGf ia b le aw7OGe taw7OGr e n ta b le ?f
me?s? an saw7OGle aw7OGd om ain eaw7OGd esaw7OGe ff lu en ts aw7OGa g ric o le saw7OGe taw7OGd esaw7OGt e ch no lo g ie saw7OGd eaw7OGm ?th an is a tio n,aw7OG la aw7OGm arq ueaw7OGF ly g taw7OGa aw7OG? t?
p io nni? re aw7OGe n aw7OGo ff r a n taw7OGa ve caw7OGs e saw7OGp om pesaw7OGs u b m ers ib le saw7OGt r a d it io nnelle saw7OGo uaw7OGh ach eu se saw7OGe taw7OGs e saw7OGa g it a te u rs
s u b m ers ib le s,aw7OG d esaw7OGs o lu tio nsaw7OGp ouraw7OGle saw7OGa p plic a tio nsaw7OGd Zenu? le va g e?f
Pre n d re aw7OGs o in aw7OGd eaw7OGn o tr e aw7OGr e sso urc e aw7OGla aw7OGp lu saw7OGp r? cie u se
9¡6!É ve caw7OGs e saw7OGv a ste saw7OGg am mesaw7OGd eaw7OGp om pesaw7OGd eaw7OGs u rfa ce ,aw7OG d eaw7OGg ro up esaw7OGd eaw7OGs u rp re ssio naw7OGe taw7OGd eaw7OGp om pesaw7OGd eaw7OGf o ra g eaw7OGL o w ara ,
X yle m aw7OGo ff r e aw7OGd esaw7OGs o lu tio nsaw7OGm od ern esaw7OGe taw7OGp erfo rm an te saw7OGp ouraw7OGl?a lim en ta tio naw7OGe n aw7OGe au ?faw7OG me?s? ep uis aw7OGp lu saw7OGd eaw7OG????p L??+taw7OGa n s,
L o w ara aw7OGe staw7OGs y n o nym eaw7OGd ?i n no va tio n,aw7OG d eaw7OGq ualit ? ,aw7OG d eaw7OGf ia b il it ? aw7OGe taw7OGd eaw7OGs e rv ic e aw7OGp ouraw7OGt o ute saw7OGle saw7OGaw7OGa p plic a tio nsaw7OGd e
pom pag eaw7OGd ?e au aw7OGc la ir e ,aw7OG y aw7OGc o m pris aw7OGd an saw7OGl?a g ric u lt u re ?f
me?s? esaw7OGs y st? m esaw7OGe taw7OGd esaw7OGp ro c? d ?saw7OGp arfa it e m en taw7OGa d ap t? saw7OGle saw7OGu nsaw7OGa u xaw7OGa u tr e s
Le saw7OGd if f ? re n te saw7OGt e ch no lo g ie saw7OGc o rre sp ond en taw7OGa u xaw7OGc o nd it io nsaw7OGs p ?cif iq uesaw7OGd esaw7OGd if f ? re n ts aw7OG? le va g es?faw7OG Fg??( esaw7OGs y st? m es
Fly g taw7OGe taw7OGL o w ara aw7OGs o ntaw7OGd eve n usaw7OGd esaw7OGs ta n d ard saw7OGd an saw7OGle aw7OGs e cte u raw7OGa g ric o le aw7OGp ouraw7OGle aw7OGp om pag eaw7OGo uaw7OGle aw7OGt r a it e m en taw7OGd es
eff lu en ts aw7OGa g ric o le s?faw7OG L e u raw7OGd ?ve lo p pem en taw7OGe staw7OGb as? aw7OGs u raw7OGlZenu e xp ?rie n ce aw7OGa cq uis e aw7OGd an saw7OGle saw7OGm ult ip le saw7OGin sta lla tio nsaw7OGe n
fo nctio nnem en taw7OGu til is a n taw7OGd esaw7OGp ro d uit s aw7OGF ly g taw7OGo uaw7OGL o w ara aw7OGe taw7OGil s aw7OGs o ntaw7OGf a b riq u?saw7OGs e lo naw7OGd esaw7OGn o rm esaw7OGd eaw7OGq ualit ?
? le v? es?faw7OG 9¡6!É pr? saw7OGt o ut,aw7OG la aw7OGq ualit ? aw7OGe staw7OGu neaw7OGd esaw7OGc l? saw7OGd ?u neaw7OGg estio naw7OGr e sp onsa b le aw7OGd esaw7OGc o ?ts ,aw7OG s u iv ie aw7OGp araw7OGle aw7OGb onaw7OGc h o ix
d eaw7OGla aw7OGt e ch no lo g ie aw7OGa p pro p ri? e?faw7OG E naw7OGa sso cia n taw7OGc e saw7OGd eu xaw7OGc l? s,aw7OG le saw7OGp ro d uit s aw7OGX yle m aw7OGr e m plis se n taw7OGt o ute saw7OGle saw7OGc o nd it io ns
p ouraw7OGa p porte raw7OGd esaw7OGs o lu tio nsaw7OGf ia b le saw7OGe taw7OGe ff ic a ce saw7OGa u xaw7OG? le ve u rs aw7OGe taw7OGa g ric u lt e u rs ?f t0pcn oT9?9 s??`.Dm PP.Wdrq uoT9?9s??`.DngW?/ n toT9?9 rn PP.WdtngW?/o nPP.Wd@e?s`oT9?9 s??`.Dr oT9?9 vD??po nnuoT9?9s??`.D67a oT9?9??`.D5L7b8 y@e?s`oT9?9 m ??`.Do p ?roT9?9 n t??`.Ds u r??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 ??`.Dm PP.WdrvD??p ApV ???`.D67a oT9?9??`.D@e?s` WGX?` oT9?9 PP.Wdu ??`.D67a oT9?9p ungW?/s ??`.D67a oT9?9s??`.D67a ngW?/z PP.Wd ngW?/n oT9?9s
67a WGX?`PP.Wd n n?oT9?9s??`.Dv o ngW?/r oT9?9 ??`.Dp @e?s`u s??`.D67a WGX?`u n ??`.Ds ngW?/? vD??p@e?s`oT9?9 ??`.Dp our??`.DvD??p oT9?9 rtPP.Wd ngW?/n oT9?9sÕX8Au??`.D\f u??`.Dt r PP.Wd v oT9?9 rs ??`.D67a oT9?9??`.Dn o s??`.Dm PP.Wdrq uoT9?9s??`.Dp ro 67a ungW?/t s ??`.Dc?6? @e?s`y bPW'c t??`.DoT9?9 t??`.Dt0pcn o w PP.WdrPP.Wd U?Cam
n o us??`.DPP.Wd ssu ro ns??`.DvD??p ApV oT9?9z??`.D5L7b8 y@e?s`oT9?9 m ??`.Du n oT9?9??`.Dp PP.WdrRWC`LPP.Wd ngW?/t oT9?9 ??`.Dm PP.Wd?t r ngW?/s oT9?9 ??`.D67a oT9?9??`.Dt o utoT9?9 s??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 s??`.D? tPP.Wd p oT9?9s??`.D67a oT9?9??`.Dt r PP.Wd n sRWC`LoT9?9 rt??`.DoT9?9 t??`.D67a oT9?9??`.Dt r PP.Wd ngW?/t oT9?9 m oT9?9n t??`.D67a u
@e?s`ngW?/s ngW?/oT9?9 rU?Cam??`.D 67a oT9?9??`.D@e?s` PP.Wd ??`.Dm ?tApV PP.Wdn ngW?/s PP.Wd tngW?/o n??`.DPP.Wd ngW?/n sngW?/??`.Dq uoT9?9??`.D67a oT9?9??`.DvD??p oT9?9 @e?s`@e?s`oT9?9 s??`.D67a u??`.DvD??p PP.Wd p tPP.Wd bPW'c oT9?9U?Cam??`.D 67a oT9?9??`.D@e?s` PP.Wd ??`.D67a ngW?/s tr ngW?/L`tR? utngW?/o n??`.DoT9?9 t??`.D67a oT9?9??`.D@e?s` WGX?` ngW?/r rngW?/bPW'c PP.WdtngW?/o n??`.D67a oT9?9??`.D@e?s` WGX?` oT9?9 PP.Wdu
vD??p@e?s`PP.Wd ngW?/r oT9?9 ??`.Dp our??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 ??`.Dm PP.WdrvD??p ApV ???`.DPP.Wd bPW'c rngW?/vD??p o @e?s`oT9?9 ÕX8Au
Po m pesaw7OGd eaw7OGf o ra g eaw7OGp ouraw7OGl Zenu a g ric u lt u re
g???a e sp?`0?p om pesp?`0?d ep?`0?f o ra g ep?`0?g???a o w ara p?`0?s o ntp?`0?c o n?u esp?`0?p our
lFGX?` ir rig atio np?`0?d FGX?`e xp lo it a tio nsp?`0?a g ric o le sU??HUp?`0? d ep?`0?t e rra in sp?`0?d ep?`0?g olf U??HU
d ep?`0?p arc p?`0?d ep?`0?lo is ir p?`0?o up?`0?d ep?`0?v ig no b le sr2q?wp?`0? uB4bx r? ce p?`0?? p?`0?n o tr e p?`0?la rg e
gam mep?`0?d ep?`0?p om pesp?`0?d ep?`0?f o ra g eU??HUp?`0? n o usp?`0?p ouvo nsp?`0?p ro p ose r
desp?`0?s o lu tio nsp?`0?p ourp?`0?u np?`0?t r ? sp?`0?g ra n d p?`0?? ve n ta il p?`0? d FGX?`a p plic a tio nsr2q?wp?`0?
? aw7OGG am meaw7OGd eaw7OGp om pesaw7OGd eaw7OGf o ra g eaw7OGd eaw7OG5W?qe ??p8Eaw7OG? aw7OG:?c? N)HÉF??p8E,
? aw7OGN)HÉF N)HÉFaw7OGm od ?le saw7OGd eaw7OGp om peaw7OGp ouraw7OGt o ujo urs aw7OGt r o uve raw7OGla
r ? p onse aw7OGa u xaw7OGb eso in s,
? aw7OGP la g eaw7OGd eaw7OGd ?b it aw7OGa lla n taw7OGd eaw7OG:?c? aw7OG? aw7OG????p N)HÉFL??+taw7OGm
b?Gy?/ h ,
?aw7OGP re ssio naw7OGd eaw7OGr e fo ule m en taw7OGa lla n taw7OGju sq uZenu? aw7OG????p ????pL??+taw7OGm aw7OGe n
ve rs io nsaw7OGp re ssio naw7OGs ta n d ard aw7OGe taw7OGb2+¥e :?c?L??+taw7OGm aw7OGe n aw7OGv e rs io naw7OGh au te
p re ssio n?f
R ?d uir e aw7OGle saw7OGc o ?ts aw7OGd Zenue xp lo it a tio naw7OG
La aw7OGc o nce p tio naw7OGh yd ra u liq ueaw7OGo p tim is ? e,aw7OG l?u til is a tio naw7OGd e
pi? ce saw7OGm oul? esaw7OGd eaw7OGg ra n d eaw7OGq ualit ? aw7OGe taw7OGle saw7OGs y st? m es
d Zenua n neau xaw7OGd Zenuu su re aw7OGf lo tt a n taw7OGo uaw7OGd eaw7OGb ag uesaw7OGd ?u su re
d yn am iq ueaw7OGp erm ett e n taw7OGd ?a ccro ?t r e aw7OGl?e ff ic a cit ? aw7OGe taw7OGla aw7OGf ia b il it ?
d esaw7OGp om pesaw7OGa fin aw7OGd eaw7OGr ? d uir e aw7OGle saw7OGc o ?ts aw7OGd ?e xp lo it a tio n?faw7OG
Fg??( ela aw7OGs e aw7OGt r a d uit aw7OGe n aw7OGt e rm esaw7OGd eaw7OGr e n d em en taw7OGPq??H
? aw7OGR en d em en taw7OGp om pesaw7OGZ N?G6Y aw7OGs u p ?rie u raw7OG? aw7OGb2+¥e L??+taw7OGY)X?d aw7OGs u raw7OGt o ute aw7OGla
p la g eaw7OGd eaw7OGd ?b it aw7OGd eaw7OG:?c? 5W?qeaw7OG? aw7OGb2+¥e L??+taw7OGm
b?Gy?/ h aw7OGa ve caw7OGu naw7OGm axim um aw7OGd e
re n d em en taw7OGd eaw7OGb2+¥e b2+¥eY)X?d ,
?aw7OGR en d em en taw7OGp om pesaw7OGZ 44'ª ,aw7OG Z :?c? L??+taw7OGe taw7OGZ :?c? N)HÉFaw7OGs u p ?rie u raw7OG? aw7OGb2+¥e ????paw7OGY)X?d
s u raw7OGt o ute aw7OGla aw7OGp la g eaw7OGd eaw7OGd ?b it aw7OGd eaw7OG5W?qe L??+taw7OG? aw7OG5W?qe 2?t??????paw7OGm
b?Gy?/ h ?faw7OG E taw7OGp ouraw7OGla
q uasi2?2v? to ta lit ? aw7OGd esaw7OGp oin ts aw7OGd eaw7OGf o nctio nnem en taw7OGe n tr e aw7OG:?c? :?c?L??+t
b?Gy?/h aw7OGe taw7OG5W?qe N?G6YL??+taw7OGm b?Gy?/ h ,aw7OG le aw7OGr e n d em en taw7OGe staw7OGs u p ?rie u raw7OG? aw7OG44'ª L??+tY)X?d ?f
?e?s`o usp?`0?le sp?`0?p oin ts p?`0?d ep?`0?f o nctio nnem en tp?`0?s ?a v? re n tp?`0?? tr e p?`0?d es
p oin ts p?`0?d ep?`0?f o nctio nnem en tp?`0?d ep?`0?h au tp?`0?r e n d em en tp?`0?twGfY
Eff ic a cit ? aw7OGe taw7OGf ia b il it ? aw7OGa va n taw7OGt o utaw7OG6t???
g???a e sp?`0?g am mesp?`0?d ep?`0?p om pesp?`0?d ep?`0?f o ra g ep?`0?g???a o w ara p?`0?o ntp?`0?? t? p?`0?c o n?u esp?`0?p ourp?`0?d ure rr2q?wp?`0? e?YFr a b riq u?esp?`0?e n ti? re m en tp?`0?e n p?`0?a cie rp?`0?in o xyd ab le U??HU
elle sp?`0?s o ntp?`0?p artic u li? re m en tp?`0?a d ap t? esp?`0?p ourp?`0?lFGX?` ir rig atio nr2q?w
G r? ce aw7OG? aw7OGl?u til is a tio naw7OGin te n siv e aw7OGd eaw7OGl?a cie raw7OGin o xy d ab le ,aw7OG le saw7OGp om pesaw7OGd eaw7OGf o ra g eaw7OGL o w ara aw7OGp eu ve n taw7OGr ? sis te raw7OGa u xaw7OGp artic u le s
ab ra siv e saw7OGe taw7OGa u xaw7OGa g en ts aw7OGc o rro sif s aw7OGp r? se n ts aw7OGd an saw7OGlZenu e au aw7OGp om p?e?faw7OG E naw7OGo utr e ,aw7OG le saw7OGs y st? m esaw7OGa n ti2?2v? u su re aw7OGd Zenua n neau xaw7OGo uaw7OGd e
bag uesaw7OGe taw7OGle saw7OGp ro te ctio nsaw7OGa n ti2?2v? s a b le aw7OGin t? g r? esaw7OGc o ntr ib uen taw7OG? aw7OGa ccro it r e aw7OGle u raw7OGr ? sis ta n ce ?faw7OG 9¡6!É in si,aw7OG le saw7OGp om pesaw7OGd eaw7OGf o ra g e
Lo w ara aw7OGp eu ve n taw7OG? tr e aw7OGu til is ? esaw7OGd an saw7OGd esaw7OGe n vir o nnem en ts aw7OGa g re ssif s aw7OGe taw7OGc o nse rv e raw7OGle u rs aw7OGp erfo rm an ce saw7OG? le v? esaw7OGd e
re n d em en taw7OGd an saw7OGle aw7OGt e m ps?f
X yle m aw7OGd ?ve lo p peaw7OGe taw7OGp ro d uit aw7OG? aw7OGla aw7OGf o is aw7OGd esaw7OGp om pesaw7OGe taw7OGd esaw7OGm ote u rs ?faw7OG T o ute aw7OGla aw7OGg am meaw7OGd eaw7OGm ote u rs aw7OGa aw7OGd oncaw7OG? t? aw7OGo p tim is ? e
p ouraw7OGq uZenuil s aw7OGs Zenua d ap te n taw7OGa u xaw7OGp om pesaw7OGd eaw7OGf o ra g eaw7OGL o w ara aw7OGa fin aw7OGd Zenua m ?lio re raw7OGle aw7OGr e n d em en taw7OGe taw7OGla aw7OGf ia b il it ? ?f
N osaw7OGm ote u rs ,aw7OG ? aw7OGb ain aw7OGd Zenue au aw7OGo uaw7OGd Zenuh uil e ,aw7OG s o ntaw7OGd is p onib le saw7OGe n aw7OGp lu sie u rs aw7OGv e rs io nsaw7OGd eaw7OGb ase aw7OGe taw7OGd if f ? re n te saw7OGt a il le saw7OGa fin aw7OGd e
r? p ond re aw7OGa u xaw7OGd if f ? re n te saw7OGa p plic a tio ns?faw7OG
Fg??( om bin ais o naw7OGd ?? l? m en ts aw7OGc o m meaw7OGle s
p alie rs aw7OGe n aw7OGc a rb ure aw7OGd eaw7OGt u ng st? n e,aw7OG le s
an neau xaw7OGd ?u su re aw7OGf lo tt a n ts aw7OGe taw7OGla
p ro te ctio naw7OGd eaw7OGl?a rb re aw7OGp araw7OGd esaw7OGc h em is e s
d ?a rb re aw7OGe n aw7OGa cie raw7OGin o xy d ab le aw7OGp our
g ara n tir aw7OGu neaw7OGr ? sis ta n ce aw7OGm axim ale aw7OG?
l?a b ra sio naw7OGd ueaw7OGa u aw7OGs a b le ?f
Fg??( once p tio naw7OGh yd ra u liq ueaw7OGm od ula ir e
p ouraw7OGr ? d uir e aw7OGla aw7OGlo ng ueu raw7OGe taw7OGle aw7OGp oid saw7OGd e
la aw7OGp om peaw7OG5?ot? m oin saw7OGd ?? ta g es??r?aw7OGe taw7OGo b te n ir
a in siaw7OG u neaw7OGc o nstr u ctio naw7OGr o b uste aw7OGe taw7OGu ne
p lu saw7OGg ra n d eaw7OGf a cil it ? aw7OGd eaw7OGm ain te n an ce aw7OG6t???
L a n te rn eaw7OGe n aw7OGa cie raw7OGin o xy d ab le aw7OGm oul? aw7OG? aw7OGla
c ir e aw7OGp erd ueaw7OGg ara n tis sa n taw7OGu n
acco up le m en taw7OGr ig id eaw7OGa u aw7OGm ote u r?faw7OGP a lie rs aw7OGd eaw7OGg uid ag eaw7OGs u raw7OGt o usaw7OGle saw7OG? ta g es
lu b rif i? saw7OGp araw7OGle aw7OGliq uid eaw7OGp om p?
gara n tis sa n taw7OGle aw7OGm ain tie n aw7OGd es
ca ra ct? ris tiq uesaw7OGe taw7OGla aw7OGf ia b il it ? aw7OGd u
fo nctio nnem en taw7OGd an saw7OGle aw7OGt e m ps?f
nWp% ag uesaw7OGd ?u su re aw7OGd yn am iq uesaw7OG5?ot? Z 44'ª aw7OGe taw7OGZ :?c? L??+t??r?,
c o n?u esaw7OGa ve caw7OGu naw7OGd esig naw7OGin no va n taw7OGp our
o p tim is e raw7OGle saw7OGp erfo rm an ce s
h yd ra u liq uesaw7OGe taw7OG? vit e raw7OGle aw7OGg rip pag eaw7OGd eaw7OGla
p om peaw7OGd ura n taw7OGle saw7OGp ?rio d esaw7OGd ?a rr? t?f
Z N?G6Y aw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGZ 44'ª ,aw7OG Z :?c? L??+taw7OGZ :?c? L??+t
Po m pesaw7OGe taw7OGs u rp re sse u rs aw7OGp ouraw7OG lZenu a g ric u lt u re
g???a e sp?`0?p om pesp?`0?e tp?`0?s u rp re sse u rs p?`0?g???a o w ara p?`0?s o ntp?`0?c o n?u sp?`0?p ourp?`0?lFGX?` ir rig atio np?`0?d FGX?`e xp lo it a tio nsp?`0?a g ric o le sp?`0?m ais p?`0?a u ssip?`0? d ?e xp lo it a tio ns
h o rtic o le sU??HUp?`0? d ?? le va g esp?`0?p is c ic o le sU??HUp?`0? d ep?`0?t e rra in sp?`0?d ep?`0?g olf U??HUp?`0? d ep?`0?p arc p?`0?d ep?`0?lo is ir p?`0?o up?`0?d ep?`0?v ig no b le sr2q?w
uB4bx r? ce p?`0?? p?`0?n o tr e p?`0?la rg ep?`0?g am meU??HUp?`0? n o usp?`0?p ouvo nsp?`0?p ro p ose rp?`0?d esp?`0?s o lu tio nsp?`0?p ourp?`0?u np?`0?t r ? sp?`0?g ra n d p?`0?? ve n ta il p?`0? d FGX?`a p plic a tio nsp?`0?cR?4G
Xv??vp?`0?p?`0?p?`0? IPF'co m pag ep?`0?d an sp?`0?d esp?`0?r iv i? re sU??HUp?`0? la csp?`0?o up?`0?r ? se rv o ir s U??HU
Xv??vp?`0?p?`0?p?`0? ?e?s`ra n sfe rtp?`0?o up?`0?a p portp?`0?d ?e au U??HU
Xv??vp?`0?p?`0?p?`0? Ep?qeis tr ib utio np?`0?? p?`0?p re ssio np?`0?c o nsta n te r2q?wp?`0?
U neaw7OGp re ssio naw7OGc o nsta n te aw7OGe n aw7OGt o ute aw7OGo cca sio naw7OG6t???
L a aw7OGp re ssio naw7OGd eaw7OGr e fo ule m en taw7OGd Zenuu neaw7OGp om peaw7OGv a rie aw7OGn o rm ale m en taw7OGe n aw7OGf o nctio naw7OGd uaw7OGd ?b it ?faw7OG M ais aw7OGa ve caw7OGle saw7OGs u rp re sse u rs aw7OGL o w ara ,
il aw7OG e staw7OGp ossib le aw7OGd eaw7OGm ain te n ir aw7OGu neaw7OGp re ssio naw7OGc o nsta n te aw7OGq ueaw7OGle aw7OGb eso in aw7OGe n aw7OGe au aw7OGd eaw7OGlZenu in sta lla tio naw7OGa u g m en te aw7OGo uaw7OGd im in ue?faw7OG G r? ce
? aw7OGs a aw7OGc o nfig ura tio naw7OGin g ?n ie u se aw7OGe taw7OGf ia b le ,aw7OG le aw7OGg ro up eaw7OGd eaw7OGs u rp re ssio naw7OGa d ap te ra aw7OGle aw7OGd ?b it aw7OGd ?liv r? aw7OGe n aw7OGf o nctio naw7OGd eaw7OGla aw7OGd em an d e?f
N osaw7OGp om pesaw7OGe taw7OGg ro up esaw7OGd eaw7OGs u rp re ssio naw7OGp ouva n taw7OG? tr e aw7OGf o urn is aw7OGa ve caw7OGu neaw7OGv a ria tio naw7OGd eaw7OGv it e sse aw7OGH yd ro va r? ,aw7OG il s aw7OGd ?liv re n t
exa cte m en taw7OGle aw7OGd ?b it aw7OGn ?ce ssa ir e aw7OG? aw7OGlZenu in sta lla tio naw7OGt o utaw7OGe n aw7OGm ain te n an taw7OGu neaw7OGp re ssio naw7OGc o nsta n te ?f
L?v? pplic a tio n ?e?s`y p e
Po m pag eaw7OGd an saw7OGd esaw7OGr iv i? re s,
la csaw7OGo uaw7OGr ? se rv o ir sP o m pesaw7OGd eaw7OGs u rfa ce Fg??( ir c u la tio naw7OGd ?e au aw7OGd an saw7OGle s
se rre sPo m pesaw7OGd eaw7OGs u rfa ce
M ain tie n aw7OGd eaw7OGp re ssio n
Su rp re sse u re2?2v?S V e 2?2v?L N E
e2?2v?N SFg??(
M ono aw7OGN)HÉF b?Gy?L??+taw7OGV aw7OG2?2v? aw7OGT riaw7OG 5W?qe L??+tL??+taw7OGV
V it e sse aw7OGf ix e
:?c? N?G6YL??+taw7OGm
b?Gy?/ h aw7OG2?2v? aw7OGb?Gy? b?Gy?L??+taw7OGm T riaw7OG 5W?qe L??+tL??+taw7OGV
V it e sse aw7OGf ix e
5W?qe :?c?L??+taw7OGm
b?Gy?/ h aw7OG2?2v? aw7OG:?c? L??+tL??+taw7OGm
M ono aw7OGN)HÉF b?Gy?L??+taw7OGV aw7OG2?2v? aw7OGT riaw7OG 5W?qe L??+tL??+taw7OGV
V it e sse aw7OGf ix e
:?c? 44'ªL??+tL??+t aw7OGm
b?Gy?/ h aw7OG2?2v? aw7OG:?c? ????p L??+taw7OGm
G XS2?2v?G M me?s?
GSme?s? 2?2v?G SY M ono aw7OGN)HÉF b?Gy?L??+taw7OGV aw7OG2?2v? aw7OGT riaw7OG 5W?qe L??+tL??+taw7OGV
V it e sse aw7OGf ix e
N)HÉF aw7OGp om pes
nWp% G ,aw7OG e 2?2v?H M ,aw7OG Fg??( E9¡6!É aw7OGo uaw7OGV M
b?Gy?/ h aw7OG2?2v? aw7OG:?c? N?G6YL??+t aw7OGm
T riaw7OG 5W?qe L??+tL??+taw7OGV
V it e sse aw7OGf ix e
N)HÉF aw7OG? aw7OGb?Gy? aw7OGp om pes
e 2?2v?S H ,aw7OG e 2?2v?N SFg??( aw7OGo uaw7OGe 2?2v?S V
N?G6Y b?Gy?L??+taw7OGm
b?Gy?/ h aw7OG2?2v? aw7OG:?c? N?G6YL??+taw7OGm
G HV M ono aw7OGN)HÉF b?Gy?L??+taw7OGV aw7OG2?2v? aw7OGT riaw7OG 5W?qe L??+tL??+taw7OGV
V it e sse aw7OGv a ria b le
:?c? aw7OGp om pe
e2?2v?S V
:?c? N?G6YL??+taw7OGm
b?Gy?/ h aw7OG2?2v? aw7OGN)HÉF N?G6YL??+taw7OGm
M ono aw7OGN)HÉF b?Gy?L??+taw7OGV aw7OG2?2v? aw7OGT riaw7OG 5W?qe L??+tL??+taw7OGV
V it e sse aw7OGv a ria b le
N)HÉF aw7OG? aw7OG5W?qe aw7OGp om pes
e 2?2v?S V
N?G6Y 5W?qeL??+taw7OGm
b?Gy?/ h aw7OG2?2v? aw7OGN)HÉF ????pL??+taw7OGm
Hyd ro va r? ,aw7OG le aw7OGs y st? m eaw7OGd eaw7OGc o ntr ? le aw7OGin te llig en taw7OGe taw7OGf a cil e aw7OG? aw7OGu til is e raw7OG6t???
L ?H yd ro va r? aw7OGe staw7OGu naw7OGv a ria te u raw7OGd eaw7OGf r ? q uen ce ,aw7OG m ont? aw7OGs u raw7OGla aw7OGp om peaw7OGo uaw7OGa u aw7OGm uraw7OGe n aw7OGv e rs io n
m ura le ,aw7OG ? q uip ?aw7OGd ?u naw7OGa u to m ate ,aw7OG le aw7OGp re m ie raw7OG? aw7OGp il o te raw7OGu neaw7OGp om peaw7OGs e lo naw7OGu neaw7OGm ult it u d e
d?a p plic a tio nsaw7OGg r? ce aw7OG? aw7OGs o naw7OGm od eaw7OGd eaw7OGr ? g ula tio naw7OGb re ve t? ?f
G r? ce aw7OG? aw7OGs a aw7OGc o nce p tio naw7OGm od ula ir e aw7OGu niq ue,aw7OG l?H yd ro va r? aw7OGp eu taw7OG? tr e aw7OGm ont? aw7OGs u raw7OGt o ute saw7OGle s
p om pesaw7OGc e n tr if u g esaw7OG? q uip ?esaw7OGd ?u naw7OGm ote u raw7OGs ta n d ard aw7OGIE Fg??( ,aw7OG q u?e lle saw7OGs o ie n taw7OGn eu ve saw7OGo uaw7OGn o n?f
Fg??( ?e staw7OGle aw7OGs y st? m eaw7OGid ?alaw7OG p ouraw7OGle saw7OGin sta lla tio nsaw7OGc o m ple xe saw7OGn ?ce ssit a n taw7OGd esaw7OGs y st? m esaw7OGs ? rs
a ve caw7OGu naw7OGla rg eaw7OG? ve n ta il aw7OG d eaw7OGf o nctio nnalit ? s?f
S aaw7OGm od ula rit ? aw7OGe n aw7OGf a it aw7OG? g ale m en taw7OGu neaw7OGs o lu tio naw7OG? co no m iq ueaw7OGp ouraw7OGr ? p ond re aw7OG? aw7OGd es
d em an d esaw7OGp lu saw7OGs im ple s,aw7OG n ?ce ssit a n taw7OGm oin saw7OGd eaw7OGf o nctio nnalit ? s?faw7OG L ?H yd ro va r? aw7OGn eaw7OGn ?ce ssit e
a u cu naw7OGa u to m ate aw7OGs u p pl? m en ta ir e aw7OGe taw7OGp erm etaw7OGp ra tiq uem en taw7OGt o ute saw7OGle saw7OGc o nfig ura tio nsaw7OGd e
sy st? m esaw7OGd eaw7OGp om pag eaw7OGPq??H aw7OGju sq u?? aw7OG44'ª aw7OGH yd ro va raw7OGM aste raw7OGo uaw7OGb ie n aw7OGu neaw7OGc o m bin ais o naw7OGd ?H yd ro va r
M aste raw7OGe taw7OGd ?u nit ? saw7OGe sc la ve s?f
L?H yd ro va r? aw7OGn ?e staw7OGp asaw7OGq u?u naw7OGv a ria te u raw7OGd eaw7OGv it e sse aw7OGm ont? aw7OGd ir e cte m en taw7OGs u raw7OGle aw7OGm ote u r,aw7OG c ?e st
u naw7OGs y st? m eaw7OGd eaw7OGc o ntr ? le aw7OGin te llig en taw7OGq uiaw7OG s ?a d ap te aw7OGp r? cis ? m en taw7OG? aw7OGla aw7OGd em an d eaw7OGe taw7OGo ff r e aw7OGd e
no m bre u xaw7OGa va n ta g esaw7OGp ouraw7OGl?o p ?ra te u raw7OGe taw7OGle aw7OGs y st? m e,aw7OG t o utaw7OGe n aw7OGp erm ett a n taw7OGd esaw7OG? co no m ie s
d ?? n erg ie aw7OGp ouva n taw7OGa tt e in d re aw7OGb2+¥e L??+taw7OGY)X?d ,aw7OG c e rtif i? aw7OGp araw7OGle aw7OGT U EV aw7OG9¡6!É utr ic h e???f
??aw7OGT e sts aw7OGr ? alis ? saw7OGp araw7OGle aw7OGT U EV aw7OG9¡6!É utr ic h eaw7OG5?ot? 9¡6!É ustr ia n aw7OGT e stin g aw7OG9¡6!É uth o rit y ??r?,aw7OG le aw7OG????p aw7OGm ars aw7OGN)HÉF L??+tL??+t????p,aw7OG s u raw7OGla aw7OGb ase aw7OGd ?u neaw7OGc o m para is o naw7OGd es
d onn?esaw7OGe taw7OGc a ra ct? ris tiq uesaw7OGp ouraw7OGu neaw7OGp erfo rm an ce aw7OGid en tiq ueaw7OGe n aw7OGt e rm esaw7OGd eaw7OGd ?b it ?f
Po m pesaw7OGs u b m ers ib le saw7OGc o n?u esaw7OGp ouraw7OG
t0pcn oT9?9 s??`.Dp om poT9?9s??`.Ds u L`tR? m oT9?9rs ngW?/L`tR? @e?s`oT9?9 s??`.D5?oyY ??`.DoT9?9 t??`.Dc?6? ??`.Dc?6? @e?s`y bPW'c t??`.Dm ?n oT9?9n t??`.D? ??`.DL`tR? ngW?/oT9?9 n ??`.Dt o utoT9?9 s??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 s??`.Dm ngW?/s s ngW?/o ns??`.D67a oT9?9
pom pPP.WdbPW'c oT9?9??`.D67a PP.Wdn s??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 s??`.DPP.Wd p p@e?s`ngW?/vD??p PP.Wd tngW?/o ns??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 s??`.Dp @e?s`u s??`.D67a ngW?/RWC`L RWC`L ngW?/vD??p ngW?/@e?s` oT9?9 sÕX8Au??`.D rR?7G ApVPP.Wdq uoT9?9??`.DvD??p o m posPP.Wd n t??`.DoT9?9 st
vD??p o n?u ??`.DoT9?9 t??`.DRWC`L PP.Wd L`tR? rngW?/q u???`.Dp our??`.DRWC`L o urn ngW?/r ??`.DoT9?9 t??`.Dm PP.WdngW?/n toT9?9 n ngW?/r ??`.Du n ??`.Dr oT9?9 n 67a oT9?9m oT9?9n t??`.D? @e?s`oT9?9 v? ??`.Ds u r??`.Du n oT9?9
@e?s`o nbPW'c uoT9?9??`.D67a ur? oT9?9ÕX8Au
9¡6!É uaw7OGc ? uraw7OGd esaw7OGp om pesaw7OGN aw7OGo uaw7OGF ,aw7OG r e p ose aw7OGlZenu h yd ra u liq ueaw7OGb re ve t? eaw7OGa ve c
u neaw7OGr o ueaw7OGs e m i2?2v? o uve rte aw7OGe taw7OGu naw7OGf o nd aw7OGd eaw7OGv o lu te aw7OGin t? g ra n taw7OGu ne
ra in ure aw7OGd eaw7OGd ?g ag em en taw7OGo uaw7OGu naw7OGp la te au aw7OGd il a c? ra te u raw7OGq uiaw7OG a
la rg em en taw7OGf a it aw7OGs e saw7OGp re u ve saw7OGe n aw7OGt e rm esaw7OGd eaw7OGr ? sis ta n ce aw7OGa u aw7OGc o lm ata g e
etaw7OGd eaw7OGm ain tie n aw7OGd an saw7OGle aw7OGt e m psaw7OGd Zenuu naw7OGr e n d em en taw7OG? le v? ?faw7OG Fg??( ela aw7OGs e
tr a d uit aw7OGp araw7OGu neaw7OGt r a n q uil lit ? aw7OGd ?e sp rit aw7OGt o ta le aw7OGe taw7OGd esaw7OG? co no m ie s
co nsid ?ra b le saw7OG? aw7OGlo ng aw7OGt e rm eaw7OGn o ta m men taw7OGe n aw7OGc o nso m matio n
d Zenu? n erg ie aw7OGe taw7OGe n aw7OGo p ?ra tio nsaw7OGd eaw7OGm ain te n an ce ?faw7OG
L e saw7OGp om pesaw7OGN aw7OGo uaw7OGF aw7OGc o nstit u en taw7OGd esaw7OGs o lu tio nsaw7OGid ?ale saw7OGp ouraw7OGle
p om pag eaw7OGd esaw7OGlis ie rs aw7OGd eaw7OGp orc ,aw7OG d eaw7OGlis ie raw7OGs ? p ar? ,aw7OG d Zenue ff lu en ts aw7OGt r ? s
ch arg ?saw7OGe n aw7OGf ib re saw7OGt e lle saw7OGq ueaw7OGla aw7OGp ail le aw7OGe taw7OGd esaw7OGe ff lu en ts aw7OGd uaw7OGb io g az?f
P e rfo rm an ce saw7OGd eaw7OGp oin te aw7OGe taw7OGla rg eaw7OGp la g eaw7OGd eaw7OGd ?b it
M od ule saw7OGN aw7OGe taw7OGF aw7OGd is p onib le s
XGt?Uvrwpa od ?le p?`0?d ep?`0?p om pe \bsXxu85 \bEa?G?sXxuc??E? \bEa?G?c??E?\f \bEa?G?5\b \bEa?G?\fEa?G? \bc??E?sXxuc??E? \b\bsXxuEa?G?
Te ch no lo g ie aw7OGN ????
H yd ra u liq ue 9¡6!É dap tiv e aw7OGN ???
T e ch no lo g ie aw7OGF ????
P u is sa n ce ,aw7OG k W :?c? ,b?Gy? ?N)HÉF ,5W?qe b?Gy?,:?c? ?5W?qe ,N)HÉF 5W?qe,b2+¥e ?b2+¥e ,5W?qe b2+¥e,????p ?:?c? ????p :?c?????p?N)HÉF N)HÉF N)HÉFN)HÉF?5W?qe b2+¥e 5W?qe????p?b2+¥e L??+t
R efo ule m en taw7OGm m 44'ªL??+t 44'ªL??+t 44'ªL??+t 44'ªL??+t :?c?L??+tL??+t :?c?L??+tL??+t :?c?????pL??+t
;N??? :?c?L??+tL??+t :?c?L??+tL??+t :?c?L??+tL??+t :?c?????pL??+t :?c?????pL??+t N)HÉF????pL??+t
;N??? :?c?????pL??+t :?c?????pL??+t :?c?????pL??+t N)HÉF????pL??+t N)HÉFL??+tL??+t b?Gy?L??+tL??+t
;N??? N)HÉFL??+tL??+t b?Gy?L??+tL??+t
;N??? N)HÉF????pL??+t
[Q l/s]
2 5 1020 50 100 200
3085, 3102
et 31273153, 3171, 3202
et 3301
Mote u r
N osaw7OGm ote u rs ,aw7OG c o n?u saw7OGe taw7OGf a b riq u?saw7OGd an saw7OGn o saw7OGu sin es,aw7OG d is p ose n t
d ?u naw7OGr e fr o id is se m en taw7OGa m ?lio r? ,aw7OG p uis q ueaw7OGle saw7OGp erte saw7OGd eaw7OGc h ale u r
so ntaw7OGc o nce n tr ? esaw7OGa u to uraw7OGd uaw7OGs ta to r?f
L a aw7OGn o uve lle aw7OGt e ch niq ueaw7OGd ?i m pr? g natio naw7OG? aw7OGla aw7OGr ? sin e
p erm etaw7OGd ?a tt e in d re aw7OGle saw7OGp erfo rm an ce saw7OGd ?i s o le m en t
d eaw7OGla aw7OGc la sse aw7OGH ?faw7OG L e aw7OGb ob in ag eaw7OGd uaw7OGs ta to raw7OGs u p porte
:?c? 44'ªL??+t?Fg??( aw7OG5?ot? b?Gy? ????p????p?F ??r?aw7OGe taw7OGa u to ris e aw7OGu neaw7OGf r ? q uen ce aw7OGd eaw7OGb?Gy? L??+t
d ?m arra g esaw7OGp araw7OGh eu re ?f
R efr o id is se m en taw7OGe ff ic a ce
Fg??( esaw7OGp om pesaw7OGs o ntaw7OGr e fr o id ie s,aw7OG s o it aw7OGp araw7OGle aw7OGliq uid e
en vir o nnan t,aw7OG s o it ,aw7OG p ouraw7OGle saw7OGa p plic a tio nsaw7OGp lu s
exig ean te s,aw7OG ? aw7OGl?a id eaw7OGd ?u naw7OGs y st? m eaw7OGd e
re fr o id is se m en taw7OGin te rn eaw7OGe n aw7OGc ir c u it aw7OGf e rm ?
Fg??(ham bre aw7OGd ?i n sp ectio n
9¡6!É fin aw7OGd ?a u g m en te raw7OGla aw7OGf ia b il it ? aw7OGd e
fo nctio nnem en t,aw7OG u neaw7OGc h am bre
d ?i n sp ectio naw7OGe n tr e aw7OGla aw7OGg arn it u re
s u p ?rie u re aw7OGe taw7OGle aw7OGp alie raw7OGin f? rie u r
p erm etaw7OGd ?e ff e ctu eraw7OGd esaw7OGc o ntr ? le s
p onctu els aw7OGr a p id es?f
Fg??( onfo rm it ?
Fg??( hacu neaw7OGd eaw7OGn o saw7OGp om pesaw7OGe staw7OGt e st? e
etaw7OGa p pro uv? eaw7OGin d iv id uelle m en t
se lo naw7OGd esaw7OGn o rm esaw7OGn atio nale saw7OGe taw7OGin te rn atio nale s,aw7OG y aw7OGc o m pris aw7OGIE Fg??(
b?Gy?5W?qe2?2v?:?c? aw7OGe taw7OGFg??( S9¡6!É ?faw7OG L e saw7OGp om pesaw7OGs o ntaw7OGd is p onib le saw7OGd an saw7OGd esaw7OGv e rs io nsaw7OG
a n tid ?fla g ra n te saw7OGp ouraw7OGle saw7OGu til is a tio nsaw7OGd an saw7OGd es
en vir o nnem en ts aw7OG9¡6!É TE X ?faw7OG E lle saw7OGs o ntaw7OGa g r? ?esaw7OGs e lo naw7OGle saw7OGn o rm esaw7OGd e
Fa cto ry aw7OGM utu al,aw7OG E uro p ean aw7OGS ta n d ard aw7OGe taw7OGIE Fg??( ?fEntr ? eaw7OGd eaw7OGc ? b le
L ?e n tr ? eaw7OGd eaw7OGc ? b le aw7OGa ssu re aw7OGle saw7OGf o nctio nsaw7OGd ?? ta n ch ?it ? aw7OGe taw7OGd e
pro te ctio naw7OGc o ntr e aw7OGl?a rra ch em en taw7OGd uaw7OGc ? b le aw7OGa fin
d ?o b te n ir aw7OGu neaw7OGin sta lla tio naw7OGs ? re ?f
So nd esaw7OGd eaw7OGp ro te ctio n
Le saw7OGt h erm oso nd esaw7OGin t? g r? esaw7OGd an saw7OGle s
en ro ule m en ts aw7OGd uaw7OGs ta to raw7OG? vit e n taw7OGla aw7OGs u rc h au ff e
d uaw7OGm ote u r,aw7OG t a n d is aw7OGq u?u naw7OGd ?te cte u raw7OGd eaw7OGf u it e
in t? g r? aw7OG? aw7OGla aw7OGc h am bre aw7OGd ?i n sp ectio naw7OGr ? d uit aw7OG?
u naw7OGm in im um aw7OGle aw7OGr is q ue
d ?e n d om mag em en taw7OGd esaw7OGe n ro ule m en ts
d uaw7OGs ta to r,aw7OG ? aw7OGc o nnecte raw7OGa u aw7OGc o ff r e taw7OGd e
co m man d e?f
me?s? ur? eaw7OGd eaw7OGv ie aw7OGd esaw7OGr o ule m en ts
L e saw7OGr o ule m en ts aw7OGlo ng ueaw7OGd ur? eaw7OGs o nt
su rd im en sio nn?saw7OGp ouraw7OGu naw7OGn o m in alaw7OG d e
????pL??+taw7OGL??+t L??+tL??+taw7OGh eu re saw7OGd eaw7OGs e rv ic e ?f
G arn it u re saw7OGp erfo rm an te s
La aw7OGg arn it u re aw7OGF ly g taw7OGP lu g 2?2v?In ? aw7OGa ve c
sy st? m eaw7OG9¡6!É ctiv e aw7OGS e al? aw7OGp r? se n te aw7OGu ne
fia b il it ? aw7OGd ?? ta n ch ?it ? aw7OGa ccru eaw7OGe taw7OGz ? ro aw7OGf u it e aw7OGv e rs aw7OGle aw7OGm ote u r,
r ? d uis a n taw7OGa in siaw7OG le aw7OGr is q ueaw7OGd eaw7OGd ?t? rio ra tio naw7OGd uaw7OGs ta to r?f
s ?a d ap te raw7OGa u xaw7OGe ff lu en ts aw7OGa g ric o le s
Fg??( once p tio naw7OGf le xib le aw7OGe taw7OGm od ula ir e
L a aw7OGt e ch no lo g ie aw7OGN aw7OGF ly g taw7OGp erm etaw7OGd eaw7OGf a ir e aw7OG? vo lu eraw7OGla
p artie aw7OGh yd ra u liq ueaw7OGa fin aw7OGd eaw7OGl?a d ap te raw7OG? aw7OGt o ute saw7OGle s
ap plic a tio ns?faw7OG
V o usaw7OGp ouve zaw7OGc h o is ir aw7OGla aw7OGv e rs io naw7OGN aw7OGe n aw7OGf o nte aw7OGt r e m p?e
p ouraw7OGle saw7OGp om pag esaw7OGd Zenue ff lu en ts aw7OGn o naw7OGc h arg ?saw7OGe n aw7OGp ail le ,
etaw7OGla aw7OGaw7OGv e rs io naw7OGF aw7OGa ve caw7OGp la te au aw7OGd il a c? ra te u raw7OGp ouraw7OGc o up er
le saw7OGlo ng uesaw7OGf ib re saw7OGo uaw7OGle saw7OGs o lid esaw7OGp r? se n ts aw7OGd an saw7OGaw7OGle s
eff lu en ts aw7OGp ail l? s?f
Q uelaw7OG q ueaw7OGs o it aw7OGv o tr e aw7OGc h o ix ,aw7OG v o usaw7OGn ?a ve zaw7OGja m ais aw7OGb eso in
d eaw7OGf a ir e aw7OGd eaw7OGc o m pro m is aw7OGaw7OGs u raw7OGle aw7OGr e n d em en taw7OGd eaw7OGla aw7OGp om pe
etaw7OGv o usaw7OGp ouve zaw7OGc h an g eraw7OGf a cil e m en taw7OGd eaw7OGm od ule aw7OGs iaw7OG le s
co nd it io nsaw7OGd ?u til is a tio naw7OG? vo lu en t?f
P la te au aw7OGd il a c? ra te u r
p erm ett a n taw7OGd eaw7OGc o up eraw7OGle saw7OGlo ng ues
fib re saw7OGo uaw7OGm ati? re saw7OGs o lid es?f
IPF'c o m pesp?`0?YTy?y IPF'co m pesp?`0?e?YFr
Fo nte aw7OGo uaw7OGf o nte Fo nte aw7OGa u aw7OGc h ro m e,aw7OG N?G6Y L??+taw7OGH RFg??(
au aw7OGc h ro m eaw7OG
R o ueaw7OGe n aw7OGf o nte aw7OGa ve caw7OGb ord s
d?a tt a q ueaw7OGt r e m p?saw7OGe taw7OGf o nd aw7OGd e
volu te aw7OGin t? g ra n taw7OGu neaw7OGr a in ure
d eaw7OGd ?g ag em en taw7OGp ouraw7OGle s
ap plic a tio nsaw7OGd eaw7OGp om pag e
cla ssiq ues?f
Fg??( om pactaw7OGe taw7OGf le xib le
5?oyY os??`.DPP.Wd bPW'c ngW?/t PP.Wd toT9?9 u rs ??`.DvD??p o m pPP.WdvD??pts ??`.Ds o nt??`.DvD??p PP.Wd p PP.WdL`tR? @e?s`oT9?9 s??`.D67a oT9?9??`.Dm ?@e?s`PP.Wd n bPW'c oT9?9r??`.DRWC`L PP.Wd vD??pngW?/@e?s` oT9?9 m oT9?9n t??`.D67a oT9?9s
@e?s`ngW?/q ungW?/67a oT9?9s??`.D67a oT9?9??`.DApV PP.Wdu toT9?9 ??`.D67a oT9?9n sngW?/t ? ??`.Do u??`.D67a oT9?9??`.DApV PP.Wdu toT9?9 ??`.Dv ngW?/s vD??p o sngW?/t ? U?Cam??`.D PP.Wd ngW?/n sngW?/??`.Dq uoT9?9??`.D67a oT9?9s??`.DRWC`L @e?s`u ngW?/67a oT9?9s??`.Dt r ? s
vD??pApV PP.WdrbPW'c ?s??`.Dn o tPP.Wd m moT9?9n t??`.D67a oT9?9??`.Dm PP.WdtngW?/? roT9?9 s??`.DRWC`L ngW?/L`tR? roT9?9 u soT9?9 sÕX8Au??`.D t0pcn PP.Wd ??`.Ds o L`tR? rngW?/? t? ??`.D67a oT9?9??`.Ds oT9?9 s
vD??po m posPP.Wd n ts U?Cam??`.D PP.Wd @e?s`@e?s`ngW?/? oT9?9??`.D? ??`.Du n ??`.DRWC`L PP.Wd ngW?/L`tR? @e?s`oT9?9 ??`.DngW?/ n voT9?9 stngW?/s soT9?9 m oT9?9n t??`.DoT9?9 t??`.D67a oT9?9s??`.Do p ?rPP.Wd tngW?/o ns??`.D67a oT9?9
mPP.WdngW?/n toT9?9 n PP.Wdn vD??poT9?9 ??`.Ds ngW?/m p@e?s`oT9?9 s??`.DRWC`L o nt??`.D67a oT9?9s??`.DPP.Wd bPW'c ngW?/t PP.Wd toT9?9 u rs ??`.DvD??p o m pPP.WdvD??pts ??`.Dc?6? @e?s`y bPW'c t??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 ??`.DvD??p ApV o ngW?/x
? vD??po no m ngW?/q uoT9?9??`.Dp our??`.Du n oT9?9??`.DbPW'c rPP.Wd n 67a oT9?9??`.Dv PP.WdrngW?/? t? ??`.D67a WGX?`PP.Wd p p@e?s`ngW?/vD??p PP.Wd tngW?/o nsU?Cam??`.D vD??p o m moT9?9??`.Dp PP.Wdr
oT9?9 xoT9?9 m p@e?s`oT9?9 ??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 s??`.D@e?s` ngW?/s ngW?/oT9?9 rs U?Cam??`.D @e?s` oT9?9 s??`.DoT9?9 RWC`LRWC`L @e?s`u oT9?9n ts ??`.DPP.Wd bPW'c rngW?/vD??p o @e?s`oT9?9 s??`.Do u??`.D@e?s` oT9?9 s??`.DoT9?9 RWC`LRWC`L @e?s`u oT9?9n ts ??`.Dp our??`.D@e?s` oT9?9
B ngW?/o bPW'c PP.WdzÕX8Au
Le saw7OGa g it a te u rs aw7OGc o m pacts aw7OGF ly g taw7OGo ntaw7OGu neaw7OGc o nce p tio naw7OGh yd ra u liq ue
p erfo rm an te ,aw7OG a ve caw7OGd esaw7OGc o m posa n ts aw7OGp eu aw7OGn o m bre u xaw7OGe taw7OGf a cil e saw7OG? aw7OGe n tr e te n ir ,
c o ntr ib uan taw7OG? aw7OGa ssu re raw7OGu naw7OGf o nctio nnem en taw7OGf ia b le aw7OGe taw7OGe xe m ptaw7OGd eaw7OGt o utaw7OGc o lm ata g e?f
Fg??( on?u esaw7OGp ouraw7OGg ?n ?re raw7OGu neaw7OGp ouss? eaw7OGm axim ale aw7OGa ve caw7OGu neaw7OGc o nso m matio naw7OGm in im ale aw7OGd Zenu? n erg ie ,aw7OG le saw7OGp ale saw7OGd eaw7OGlZenu h ?lic e aw7OG?
b ord aw7OGd Zenua tt a q ueaw7OGin cu rv ? aw7OGv e rs aw7OGlZenu a rri? re aw7OGp erm ett e n taw7OG? aw7OGd esaw7OGm ati? re saw7OGh au te m en taw7OGf ib re u se saw7OGd eaw7OGp asse raw7OGf a cil e m en t?faw7OG L e aw7OGm oye u
la rg eaw7OGp erm etaw7OGd eaw7OGd ?vie raw7OGle saw7OGm ati? re saw7OGf ib re u se s?f
F le xib il it ? aw7OGe taw7OGs im plic it ? aw7OGd ?i n sta lla tio n
San saw7OGb eso in aw7OGd eaw7OGp asse re lle saw7OGc o ?te u se s,aw7OG d eaw7OGt r a n sm is sio naw7OGe xte rn eaw7OGo uaw7OGd eaw7OGs u p ports aw7OGd e
m ote u raw7OGe n aw7OGb ?to n,aw7OG l?a g it a te u raw7OGc o m pactaw7OGF ly g taw7OGp eu taw7OG? tr e aw7OGin sta ll? aw7OGr a p id em en taw7OGe t
fa cil e m en taw7OGa ve caw7OGu naw7OGf a ib le aw7OGin ve stis se m en t?faw7OG L e saw7OGa g it a te u rs aw7OGc o m pacts aw7OGF ly g taw7OGo ff r e n taw7OGu ne
va ste aw7OGg am meaw7OGd eaw7OGp uis sa n ce saw7OGe taw7OGd eaw7OGc o nfig ura tio nsaw7OGg r? ce aw7OG? aw7OGle u raw7OGs tr u ctu re aw7OGm od ula ir e
e taw7OG? aw7OGd eaw7OGn o m bre u xaw7OGc h o ix aw7OGd eaw7OGc o m posa n ts aw7OGe taw7OGd eaw7OGm at? ria u x?faw7OG L e aw7OGc o rp saw7OGe staw7OGe n aw7OGa cie r
in o xy d ab le aw7OGp ouraw7OGla aw7OGr ? sis ta n ce aw7OG? aw7OGla aw7OGc o rro sio naw7OGe taw7OGu neaw7OGd ur? eaw7OGd eaw7OGv ie aw7OGp ro lo ng ?e?faw7OG L e s
h ?lic e saw7OGs o ntaw7OGe n aw7OGf o nte aw7OGa u aw7OGc h ro m e,aw7OG e n aw7OGd up le xaw7OGo uaw7OGe n aw7OGa cie raw7OGin o xy d ab le ?f
?aw7OGH au te aw7OGp erfo rm an ce aw7OGd eaw7OGm ?la n g eaw7OGa ve caw7OGf a ib le aw7OGc o nso m matio naw7OGd Zenu? n erg ie ?f
?aw7OGG am meaw7OGd eaw7OGp ouss? eaw7OGe xtr ? m em en taw7OGla rg eaw7OG2?2v? aw7OGp ouraw7OGs Zenua d ap te raw7OG? aw7OGla aw7OGv a ri? t? aw7OGd esaw7OGt a il le s
d eaw7OGb assin saw7OGe taw7OGd esaw7OGp ro p ri? t? saw7OGd esaw7OGliq uid es?f
? aw7OGU neaw7OGp erfo rm an ce aw7OGf ia b le aw7OG2?2v? aw7OGh yd ra u liq ueaw7OGa n ti2?2v? c o lm ata g eaw7OGd estin ?eaw7OG?
l?h o m og ?n ?is a tio naw7OGd uaw7OGlis ie raw7OGc o nte n an taw7OGd eaw7OGla aw7OGp ail le ,aw7OG d eaw7OGla aw7OGs c iu re aw7OGe taw7OGd Zenua u tr e saw7OGs u b sta n ce saw7OGs o uve n taw7OGp r? se n te saw7OGd an saw7OGle aw7OGlis ie r?f
? aw7OGL e saw7OGc o m posa n ts aw7OGe n aw7OGc o nta ctaw7OGa ve caw7OGle aw7OGf lu id eaw7OGs o ntaw7OGr ? sis ta n ts aw7OG? aw7OGla aw7OGc o rro sio naw7OGe taw7OG? aw7OGlZenu a b ra sio nPq??Haw7OGh ?lic e saw7OGe n aw7OGa cie raw7OGin o xy d ab le
b?Gy? :?c?N?G6Y,aw7OG me?s? up le xaw7OGo uaw7OGF o nte aw7OGa u aw7OGFg??( hro m eaw7OGp ouraw7OGr ? sis te raw7OGa u xaw7OGc o nd it io nsaw7OGd eaw7OGf o nctio nn em en taw7OGd if f ic il e s?f
? aw7OGL ?? ta n ch ?it ? aw7OGf ia b le aw7OGe taw7OGr o b uste aw7OGg ara n tit aw7OGu neaw7OGlo ng ueaw7OGd ur? eaw7OGd eaw7OGv ie aw7OGp ouraw7OGu neaw7OGe xp lo it a tio naw7OGa is ? e?f
?aw7OGL e saw7OGm ote u rs aw7OGr o b uste saw7OGIP N?G6Y44'ªaw7OGp oss? d en taw7OGu neaw7OGp uis sa n ce aw7OGn o m in ale aw7OGd eaw7OG:?c? ,????p aw7OGk W aw7OG? aw7OGN)HÉF ????paw7OGk W aw7OG5?ot? ????p L??+taw7OGH z??r?aw7OGa ve caw7OGu neaw7OGis o la tio naw7OGd e
cla sse aw7OGH ?f
?aw7OGM ote u rs aw7OGa u ssiaw7OG d is p onib le saw7OGe n aw7OGv e rs io naw7OGa n tid ?fla g ra n ts ?f
? aw7OGM ote u rs aw7OGa d ap t? saw7OG? aw7OGd if f ? re n te saw7OGt e m p?ra tu re sPq??Haw7OG5W?qe L??+taw7OG? aw7OGFg??( ,aw7OG b2+¥e L??+taw7OG? aw7OGFg??( ,aw7OG 2?t?? L??+taw7OG? aw7OGFg??( aw7OG?f
? aw7OGIn sta lla tio naw7OGs u raw7OGu neaw7OGb arre aw7OGd eaw7OGg uid ag eaw7OG2?2v? aw7OGp osit io nnem en taw7OGo rie n ta b le aw7OGd eaw7OGl?a g it a te u r,aw7OG in sta lla tio naw7OGe taw7OGm ain te n an ce aw7OGs im ple s
etaw7OGr a p id es
Pe rfo rm an ce saw7OGd eaw7OGp oin te aw7OGe taw7OGla rg eaw7OGp la g e
La aw7OGg am meaw7OGd esaw7OGa g it a te u rs aw7OGc o m pacts aw7OG5W?qe N?G6YL??+tL??+taw7OGc o m porte aw7OGs ix aw7OGt a il le saw7OGd if f ? re n te saw7OGd Zenua g it a te u rs aw7OG? aw7OGe n tr a in em en taw7OGd ir e ct?f
?3?tU XgW?1? rie p?`0?4 BWBv?sXxusXxu rTª44BWBv?\bsXxu u??cb 4BWBv?4sXxu u??cb 4BWBv?5sXxu u??cb 4BWBv?BWBv?sXxu u??cb 4BWBv?\fsXxu 4BWBv?8sXxu
Pu is sa n ce aw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OG
????p L??+taw7OGH z,aw7OG k W E?u?? :?c?,????p N*?:s N)HÉF,????p N*?:s ????p,????p E?u?? :?c?L??+t E?u?? :?c?b?Gy? N)HÉF????p
v?Irm no m in ale aw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OGaw7OG mmG?H
v?IrmPla g eaw7OGd eaw7OG ????pL??+taw7OGH z,aw7OG N E?u?? N)HÉFL??+tL??+t :?q"? N)HÉFL??+tL??+t :?q"? 44'ªL??+tL??+t :?q"? 44'ªL??+tL??+t G?9E :?c?aw7OG5W?qe L??+tL??+t :?c?aw7OG5W?qe L??+tL??+t
v?Irm pouss? esaw7OG v5?5 ????pL??+tL??+t :?q"? 44'ªL??+tL??+t G?9E :?c?aw7OG2?t?? L??+tL??+t bÓ2Eg N)HÉFaw7OG44'ª L??+tL??+t bÓ2Eg b?Gy?aw7OG44'ª L??+tL??+t N?G6Yaw7OG5W?qe L??+tL??+t
v?Irmme?s? ia m ?tr e aw7OGd Zenuh ?lic e ,aw7OG m a7!LL??+t,b?Gy? N?G6Y44'ªaw7OGnW8?q L??+t,b?Gy? N?G6Y44'ªaw7OGnW8?q L??+t,????p 44'ªL??+t bÓ2Eg L??+t,????p 44'ªL??+t bÓ2Eg L??+t,b2+¥e N?G6YN?G6Y L??+t,b2+¥e N?G6YN?G6Y
Ea?G? p?`0??PX?p ntr ? ep?`0?d ep?`0?c ? b le
me?s? esaw7OGm an ch o nsaw7OGc o m pre ssib le s,aw7OG a sso ci? saw7OG? aw7OGu naw7OGd is p osit if aw7OGd e
d?le sta g eaw7OGd uaw7OGc ? b le ,aw7OG e m p?ch en taw7OGle saw7OG? ve n tu elle s
in fil t r a tio nsaw7OGd ?e au aw7OGa u aw7OGn iv e au aw7OGd uaw7OGm ote u r?faw7OG 5?ot? L o ng ueu raw7OGc ? b le
s ta n d ard aw7OG:?c? L??+taw7OGm ??r??f
c??E? p?`0?vrwpa ote u rp?`0?
M ote u raw7OGm ult i2?2v? p ?le saw7OGd uaw7OGt y p eaw7OG? aw7OGc a g eaw7OGd ?? cu re u il aw7OG a ve caw7OGs o nd e
deaw7OGp ro te ctio naw7OGin co rp or? eaw7OGc o ntr e aw7OGle saw7OG? ch au ff e m en ts
a n o rm au x?faw7OG Fg??( on?u aw7OGp ouraw7OGle aw7OGd ?m arra g eaw7OGd ir e ct?f
\b p?`0?ppV. o ule m en ts
L ?a rb re aw7OGe staw7OGm ain te n u,aw7OG d ?u neaw7OGp artaw7OGp araw7OGu naw7OGr o ule m en taw7OG? aw7OGb il le s
?aw7OGc o nta ctaw7OGo b liq ueaw7OGa u aw7OGn iv e au aw7OGd eaw7OGl?h ?lic e ,aw7OG e taw7OGd ?a u tr e aw7OGp artaw7OG?
l?a id eaw7OGd eaw7OGd eu xaw7OGr o ule m en ts aw7OGa u aw7OGn iv e au aw7OGd eaw7OGla aw7OGb o?t e aw7OG? aw7OGb orn es?f4 p?`0?e2acX acp?`0?? p?`0?h uil e
L ?h uil e aw7OGlu b rif ie aw7OGe taw7OGr e fr o id it aw7OGle saw7OGg arn it u re saw7OGm ?ca n iq ues,aw7OG t o ut
en aw7OGc o nstit u an taw7OGu naw7OGb arra g eaw7OGc o ntr e aw7OGle saw7OGin fil t r a tio ns
accid en te lle s?f
5 p?`0?DD0Wd ?lic e
P ? le saw7OGm in ce saw7OG? aw7OGd oub le saw7OGc a m bru re s,aw7OG p ouraw7OGu naw7OGr e n d em en t
h yd ra u liq ueaw7OGm axim um ?faw7OG Fg??( esaw7OGp ?le saw7OGp eu ve n taw7OG? tr e aw7OGs o ud ?es
su raw7OGle aw7OGm oye u aw7OGs u iv a n taw7OGd if f ? re n ts aw7OGa n g le saw7OGs e lo naw7OGle aw7OGd eg r?
d ?a g it a tio naw7OGd ?sir ? ?f
BWBv? p?`0?uB4bx arn it u re p?`0?m ?ca n iq uep?`0?a ve cp?`0?s y st? m ep?`0?L?v? ctiv e p?`0?XgW?1 eal?
U neaw7OGg arn it u re aw7OGm ?ca n iq ueaw7OGc a rto uch eaw7OGP lu g 2?2v?In ? aw7OGa ve c
sy st? m eaw7OG9¡6!É ctiv e aw7OGS e al? ,aw7OG d eaw7OGn o tr e aw7OGp ro p re aw7OGc o nce p tio n,
p ro t? g eaw7OGle aw7OGm ote u raw7OGd eaw7OGt o utaw7OGc o nta ctaw7OGa ve caw7OGle aw7OGliq uid e
en vir o nnan t?f
BWBv? 5
Ea?G? c??E? \b 4
Flu sh in g ,aw7OG t r a n sfe rtaw7OGd eaw7OGl is ie raw7OGe taw7OG
d eaw7OGl iq uid esaw7OGc h arg ?s
Lesaw7OGs y st? m esaw7OGd eaw7OGg uid ag eaw7OGe taw7OGd eaw7OGt u ya u te rie saw7OGs o ntaw7OGc o n?u saw7OGp ouraw7OGa ssu re raw7OGd eaw7OGf a ?o naw7OGo p tim ale aw7OGle aw7OGf lu sh in g aw7OGo uaw7OGn ett o ya g eaw7OGd u
ca n alaw7OG t r a n sv e rs a l?f
? aw7OGE va cu atio naw7OGe taw7OGn ett o ya g eaw7OGp araw7OGf lu sh in g aw7OGh yd ra u liq ueaw7OGa ve caw7OGp om peaw7OGh ach eu se ,aw7OG r a cle u rs ,aw7OG e tc ?f
?aw7OGnWp% ra ssa g eaw7OGd uaw7OGlis ie r
?aw7OGT ra n sfe rtaw7OGd ?u naw7OGlis ie raw7OGh o m og ?n eaw7OGv e rs aw7OGf o sse aw7OGd eaw7OGs to ck a g e
Le aw7OGlis ie raw7OGn eaw7OGs ta g neaw7OGp as,aw7OG c e aw7OGq uiaw7OG p erm etaw7OGd eaw7OGr ? d uir e aw7OGle saw7OGo d eu rs aw7OGd an saw7OGlZenu ? ta b le ?f
Pie d aw7OGd ?a ssis e aw7OGf ix ? aw7OGa u aw7OGs o l,
s y st? m eaw7OGd eaw7OGg uid ag eaw7OGe t
tu ya u aw7OGd eaw7OGr e fo ule m en tM onta g eaw7OGd eaw7OGla aw7OGp om peaw7OGs u r
p ie d aw7OGd ?a ssis eP o m peaw7OGs u b m ers ib le aw7OGF ly g taw7OGe n
p osit io naw7OGd eaw7OGf o nctio nnem en t
Po m peaw7OGs u b m ers ib le aw7OGF ly g t
ave caw7OGb use aw7OGm ?la n g eu se aw7OGe n
ve rs io naw7OG? b ra ssa g e?aw7OGs u r
sy st? m eaw7OGp iv o ta n t
Po m peaw7OGs u b m ers ib le aw7OGF LY G T
ave caw7OGb use aw7OGm ?la n g eu se aw7OGe n
ve rs io naw7OG? p om pag e?aw7OGp ouraw7OGle
t r a n sfe rtaw7OGd uaw7OGlis ie raw7OGo uaw7OGp ouraw7OGle
r e m plis sa g eaw7OGd eaw7OGla aw7OGt o nneaw7OG?
lis ie r
H om og ?n ?is a tio naw7OGe taw7OGt r a n sfe rt
L e saw7OGs y st? m esaw7OGp iv o ta n ts aw7OGa ve caw7OGb use aw7OGm ?la n g eu se aw7OGp erm ett e n taw7OGd eaw7OGb ra sse raw7OGle aw7OGlis ie raw7OGe taw7OGd eaw7OGr e m plir aw7OGla aw7OGc u ve ?f
?aw7OGnWp% ra ssa g e,aw7OG a ve caw7OGp om peaw7OGe n aw7OGs y st? m eaw7OGH +Paw7OG5?ot? H om og ?n ?is a tio naw7OGe taw7OGP o m pag e??r?
?aw7OGR em plis sa g eaw7OGd eaw7OGc u ve saw7OG? aw7OGl?a id eaw7OGd ?u neaw7OGs e u le aw7OGp om pe
?aw7OG9¡6!É git a tio naw7OGe n aw7OGa p poin taw7OGs e lo naw7OGla aw7OGc a p acit ? aw7OGd eaw7OGla aw7OGf o sse
nWp% ra ssa g eaw7OGe taw7OGh o m og ?n ?is a tio n
H om og ?n ?is a tio naw7OGe taw7OGr e m is e aw7OGe n aw7OGs u sp en sio naw7OGd an saw7OGu neaw7OGf o sse aw7OGr e cta n g ula ir e
L ?i m pla n ta tio naw7OGd esaw7OGa g it a te u rs aw7OGp erm etaw7OGu neaw7OGp arfa it e aw7OGh o m og ?n ?is a tio n?faw7OG L e aw7OGm onta g eaw7OGs u raw7OGb arre aw7OGd eaw7OGg uid ag eaw7OGa ve caw7OGp ote n ce
d eaw7OGr e le va g eaw7OGp erm etaw7OGd Zenuo rie n te raw7OGle saw7OGa g it a te u rs ?faw7OG 9¡6!É in si,aw7OG la aw7OGm an ute n tio naw7OGe taw7OGla aw7OGm ain te n an ce aw7OGd evie n nen taw7OGp lu saw7OGa is ? e s?f
XgW?1 yst? m ep?`0?d ep?`0?g uid ag ep?`0?v e rtic a l
XgW?1 yst? m ep?`0?d ep?`0?g uid ag ep?`0?in clin ?
Fg??( etaw7OG? q uip em en taw7OGp erm etaw7OGle aw7OGb ra ssa g eaw7OGd esaw7OGla g unesaw7OGo uaw7OGd esaw7OGf o sse saw7OGa ve caw7OGp aro iaw7OG in clin ?e aw7OGd eaw7OG5W?qe L??+t aw7OG? aw7OG5W?qe ????p?aw7OGs a n saw7OGu til is e raw7OGd e
passe re lle aw7OGp ouraw7OGl?o rie n ta tio naw7OGe taw7OGle aw7OGle va g e?f
9¡6!É git a te u r
Fg??( hais e aw7OGf ix e aw7OGp om peaw7OGFg??( /N
Fg??( hais e aw7OGf ix e aw7OGp om peaw7OGF
Fg??( hais e aw7OGp iv o ta n te aw7OGp om peaw7OGFg??( /N
Syst? m eaw7OG? aw7OGs la lo m aw7OG? ,aw7OG h o m og ?n ?is a tio naw7OGd eaw7OGlis ie raw7OGb ovin
e?YFr o nctio nnem en tp?`0?s ? q uen tie lp?`0? d ep?`0?l?a g it a te u rp?`0?? p?`0?l?a id ep?`0?d ?u nep?`0?h o rlo g ep?`0?cR?4G
? aw7OGme?s? ?b it aw7OGd eaw7OGc ir c u la tio naw7OG? le v?
? aw7OGM onta g eaw7OGs u raw7OGc h ?ssis
? aw7OGH om og ?n ?is a tio naw7OGd uaw7OGlis ie r
?aw7OGE vit e aw7OGla aw7OGf o rm atio naw7OGd eaw7OGc ro ?te s
?aw7OGme?s? im in utio naw7OGd esaw7OGf e rm en ta tio nsaw7OGa n a? ro b ie saw7OGe taw7OGd esaw7OGo d eu rs
? aw7OGL e aw7OGlis ie raw7OGe staw7OGp r? taw7OG? aw7OGl?? p an d ag eaw7OG? aw7OGt o utaw7OGm om en t
Sto ck a g eaw7OGs o usaw7OGb ?tim en t
Fo nctio nnem en taw7OGd uaw7OGd eu xi? m eaw7OGa g it a te u r
nWp% ie n aw7OGr e sp ecte raw7OGle saw7OGn iv e au xaw7OGd eaw7OGlis ie rs aw7OGs o usaw7OGle saw7OGc a il le b otis aw7OG5?ot? p ouraw7OG? vit e raw7OGt o utaw7OGr is q ueaw7OGd eaw7OGf o rm atio naw7OGd eaw7OGc ro ?te ??r?
9¡6!É git a tio naw7OGs la lo m aw7OGd esaw7OGb ?tim en ts
9¡6!É git a te u raw7OGs u b m ers ib le aw7OGs u raw7OGc h ario taw7OGm ob il e
S yst? m eaw7OGs o usaw7OGc a il le b otis ,aw7OG h o m og ?n ?is a tio naw7OGd eaw7OGlis ie raw7OGd eaw7OGp orc
L ?a g it a te u raw7OGs u b m ers ib le aw7OGs u raw7OGc h ario taw7OGm ob il e aw7OGN)HÉF aw7OGr o uesaw7OGe staw7OGla aw7OGs o lu tio naw7OGid ?ale aw7OGp ouraw7OGle saw7OGe xp lo it a tio nsaw7OGc o nstit u ?e saw7OGd eaw7OGaw7OG p lu sie u rs
fo sse saw7OG? aw7OGlis ie r?faw7OG Fg??( esaw7OGe n se m ble saw7OGm ob il e saw7OGd ?a g it a tio naw7OGF ly g taw7OGs o ntaw7OGp artic u li? re m en taw7OGa d ap t? saw7OGp ouraw7OGle saw7OGa p plic a tio nsaw7OGa ve caw7OGd es
fo sse saw7OG? aw7OGlis ie raw7OGs o usaw7OGc a il le b otis ?f
? aw7OGU til is a tio naw7OGf le xib le
?aw7OG U til e aw7OGd an saw7OGle saw7OGc o ulo ir s aw7OG? tr o it s
? aw7OGR o ta tio naw7OG? aw7OGb?Gy? N?G6YL??+taw7OG?
? aw7OGH au te u raw7OGr ? g la b le aw7OGaw7OGe n aw7OGp erm an en ce
9¡6!É git a te u raw7OGF ly g taw7OG5W?qe N?G6Y5W?qeL??+taw7OGs u raw7OGc h ario taw7OGm ob il e
9¡6!É ?ra tio n
G ro up esaw7OGH yd ro aw7OG? je cte u rs
L ?e n se m ble aw7OGp om peaw7OG+ aw7OGh yd ro aw7OG? je cte u raw7OGe staw7OGu naw7OGg ro up eaw7OGs u b m ers ib le aw7OGd ?a ? ra tio naw7OGd ontaw7OGle saw7OGp erfo rm an ce saw7OGa ssu re n taw7OG? aw7OGla aw7OGf o is aw7OGla
d is so lu tio naw7OGd ?o xy g ?n eaw7OGe taw7OGle aw7OGb ra ssa g eaw7OGd uaw7OGf o nd aw7OGd uaw7OGb assin ?faw7OG L a aw7OGp om peaw7OGin je cte aw7OGd an saw7OGc h aq ueaw7OGh yd ro 2?2v?? je cte u raw7OGu neaw7OGq uan tit ?
d eaw7OGlis ie raw7OGs u ff is a n te aw7OGp ouraw7OGc r? eraw7OGu neaw7OGd ?p re ssio naw7OGd an saw7OGle aw7OGc o rp saw7OGd eaw7OGl?h yd ro 2?2v?? je cte u r,aw7OG q uiaw7OG e n tr a ?n eaw7OGu neaw7OGa sp ir a tio naw7OGd ?a ir
a tm osp h?riq ue?f
Le aw7OGlis ie raw7OGe taw7OGl?a ir aw7OGs o ntaw7OGa in siaw7OG m ?la n g ?s,aw7OG c e aw7OGq uiaw7OG p erm etaw7OGd ?a ? re raw7OGt o utaw7OGe n aw7OGa ya n taw7OGu naw7OGe ff lu en taw7OGp arfa it e m en taw7OGh o m og ?n e?f
Fg??(ett e aw7OGt e ch niq ueaw7OGp erm etaw7OGd eaw7OGm a?t r is e raw7OGp arfa it e m en taw7OGla aw7OGq uan tit ? aw7OGd ?a ir aw7OGin su ff l? ?f
L?v? pplic a tio ns
Sta tio nsaw7OGd eaw7OGt r a it e m en taw7OGd eaw7OGlis ie raw7OGd eaw7OGp orc ,aw7OG v it ic u lt u re aw7OGe taw7OGa q uacu lt u re ?f
IPF'ce rfo rm an ce s
Su iv a n taw7OGle aw7OGd ?b it aw7OGd ?a ir aw7OGa sp ir ? aw7OGe taw7OGla aw7OGp ro fo nd eu raw7OGd ?i m mers io naw7OGd uaw7OGg ro up e
?aw7OGU naw7OGa p portaw7OGs p ?cif iq ueaw7OGb ru taw7OGd eaw7OGL??+t ,N?G6Y aw7OG? aw7OG:?c? :?c?aw7OGk g aw7OGO
N)HÉF/ h aw7OGcYdWÓ
? aw7OGU neaw7OGp uis sa n ce aw7OGs p ?cif iq ueaw7OGd eaw7OGN)HÉF ????paw7OG? aw7OGb?Gy? ????paw7OGW /m
L?v? pplic a tio ns
Sta tio nsaw7OGd eaw7OGt r a it e m en taw7OGd eaw7OGlis ie raw7OGd eaw7OGp orc ,aw7OG v in ic u lt u re ,aw7OG a q uacu lt u re
e taw7OGa g ro alim en ta ir e ?f
IPF'ce rfo rm an ce s
Su iv a n taw7OGle aw7OGd ?b it aw7OGd ?a ir aw7OGa sp ir ? aw7OGe taw7OGla aw7OGp ro fo nd eu raw7OGd ?i m mers io naw7OGd u
gro up e,aw7OG o naw7OGo b tie n taw7OGu naw7OGa p portaw7OGs p ?cif iq ueaw7OGb ru taw7OGc o m pris aw7OGe n tr e aw7OGL??+t ,44'ª
e taw7OG:?c? ,:?c? aw7OGk g aw7OGO
N)HÉF/ h ?f
Tu rb in esaw7OGd ?a ? ra tio naw7OGd eaw7OGf o nd aw7OGF ly m ara to r
Le aw7OGF ly m ara to raw7OGe staw7OGu naw7OGg ro up eaw7OGd ?a ? ra tio naw7OGp erm ett a n taw7OGu neaw7OGo xy g ?n atio naw7OGd eaw7OGl?e ff lu en taw7OGa in siaw7OG q u?u naw7OGb ra ssa g eaw7OGe ff ic a ce aw7OG? aw7OGb?Gy? N?G6YL??+t??f
L e aw7OGF ly m ara to raw7OGd oit aw7OG? tr e aw7OGc o up l? aw7OG? aw7OGu neaw7OGp om peaw7OG? c a sse 2?2v?m ousse ?aw7OGd eaw7OGt y p eaw7OGme?s? Saw7OGb?Gy? L??+t44'ª????paw7OGM Taw7OG5W?qe b2+¥eN)HÉFaw7OG5?ot? N)HÉF kW ??r??f
vrwpa od ule p?`0?b re ve t? p?`0?d ep?`0?t r a it e m en tp?`0?e tp?`0?d ep?`0?s u rp re ssio np?`0?d ?e au p?`0?p?`0?p?`0?
H yd ro In fin it y aw7OGs a u ra aw7OGt r o uve raw7OGs a aw7OGp la ce aw7OGd an saw7OGle saw7OGPq??H
Ele va g esaw7OGd ?a n im au x
Fg??(ult u re saw7OGh o rtic o le s
La it e rie s
?v?Irm Lo ca u xaw7OGd ?e xp lo it a tio naw7OGv ? t? rin air e s
H yd ro In fin it y aw7OGp eu taw7OG? tr e aw7OGa lim en t? aw7OGp araw7OGle saw7OGe au xaw7OGd ?u naw7OGf o ra g e,aw7OG le saw7OGe au xaw7OGd eaw7OGp lu ie
o uaw7OGl?e au aw7OGd uaw7OGr ? se au aw7OGm unic ip al
Le aw7OGm od ule aw7OGH yd ro In fin it y aw7OGin t? g re aw7OGu neaw7OGc h ain e
co m pl? te aw7OGd eaw7OGp urif ic a tio naw7OGd eaw7OGl?e au ?f
Fg??( ett e aw7OGc h ain eaw7OGe staw7OGc o m pos? eaw7OGd ?? l? m en ts aw7OGd eaw7OGt o utaw7OGp re m ie raw7OGo rd re aw7OGd an saw7OGle aw7OGb utaw7OGd e
vo usaw7OGg ara n tir aw7OGla aw7OGp lu saw7OGg ra n d eaw7OGp ure t? aw7OGp ossib le ?f
9¡6!É in siaw7OG o naw7OGr e tr o uve ,aw7OG a u aw7OGc ? uraw7OGd ?H yd ro In fin it y ,aw7OG u neaw7OGu nit ? aw7OGd eaw7OGm ic ro aw7OGf il t r a tio n,aw7OG u n
r? acte u raw7OGU Vaw7OGb re ve t? aw7OGd ontaw7OGla aw7OGc h am bre aw7OGh ?lic o ?d ale aw7OGa ssu re aw7OGu naw7OGp arfa it aw7OGt r a it e m en t
d eaw7OGl?e au aw7OGq uiaw7OG c ir c u le aw7OG? aw7OGl?i n t? rie u r,aw7OG u naw7OGg ?n ?ra te u raw7OGd ?o zo neaw7OGb re ve t? aw7OGe taw7OGu ne
p om peaw7OGp ouraw7OGla aw7OGd is tr ib utio naw7OGd eaw7OGv o tr e aw7OGe au aw7OGp urif i? e?f
H yd ro In fin it y aw7OGe staw7OGa u to no m eaw7OGe taw7OGc o m muniq uan t?faw7OG
U neaw7OGs o nd eaw7OGO RPaw7OGm esu re aw7OGe n aw7OGp erm an en ce aw7OGle aw7OGp ote n tie law7OG d ?o xy d atio n?faw7OG
L e aw7OGs y st? m eaw7OGd eaw7OGc o m man d eaw7OGc o m muniq ueaw7OGe n aw7OGW iF iaw7OG o uaw7OGb?Gy? G aw7OGp ouraw7OGu naw7OGs u iv iaw7OG p erm an en taw7OGd uaw7OGf o nctio nn em en t?f
9¡6!É V9¡6!É N T9¡6!É G ESaw7OGd ?H yd ro In fin it y aw7OGPq??H aw7OG
Elim in eaw7OGle saw7OGb act? rie saw7OGe taw7OGa g en ts aw7OGp ath o g ?n esaw7OGp ouva n taw7OG? tr e aw7OGp r? se n ts aw7OGd an saw7OGl?e au
L?e au aw7OG? ta n taw7OGp urif i? e,aw7OG le saw7OGt r a it e m en ts aw7OGa n tib io tiq uesaw7OGp eu ve n taw7OG? tr e aw7OGs u p prim ?s
Unaw7OGt a u xaw7OGd eaw7OGm orta lit ? aw7OGd esaw7OGp oussin saw7OGin f? rie u raw7OG? aw7OGb?Gy? Y)X?d
me?s?esaw7OGa n im au xaw7OGe n aw7OGm eil le u re aw7OGs a n t? ,aw7OG p lu saw7OGc a lm es
Ta u xaw7OGd eaw7OGc o nve rs io naw7OGa m ?lio r?
Unaw7OGm eil le u raw7OGr e n d em en taw7OGd eaw7OGp ro d uctio naw7OG
Unaw7OGr e to uraw7OGs u raw7OGin ve stis se m en taw7OGr a p id e
Uneaw7OGv ia n d eaw7OGd eaw7OGm eil le u re aw7OGq ualit ?
H yd ro In fin it y aw7OGe staw7OGc a p ab le aw7OGd ?? lim in eraw7OGPq??H
Fg??( lo str id iu m ,aw7OG E nt? ro co q ues,aw7OG E ?fFg??( oli,aw7OG S alm onelle ,aw7OG Fg??( ry p to sp orid iu m ,aw7OG G ir d ia ,aw7OG Fg??( olif o rm e,aw7OG S tr e p to co q ues?f
Ilaw7OG p erm etaw7OG? g ale m en taw7OGu neaw7OGr ? d uctio naw7OGd uaw7OGt a u xaw7OGd eaw7OGc o lo nie saw7OGv ia b le saw7OG5?ot? T V Fg??( ??r?aw7OGG?f?f aw7OG:?c? L??+taw7OGU FFg??( /m law7OG e taw7OGd eaw7OGla aw7OGq uan tit ?
d ?e n d oto xin esaw7OGd an saw7OGl?e au ?f
H yd ro In fin it y
M od ule aw7OGc o m pactaw7OGd eaw7OGt r a it e m en taw7OGd ?e au
? aw7OGe taw7OGd esaw7OGa g ric u lt e u rs ?f
g???a a p?`0?f o rc e p?`0?d ep?`0?X yle m p?`0?r ? sid ep?`0?d an sp?`0?n o tr e p?`0?c a p acit ? p?`0?? p?`0?f o urn ir p?`0?e n p?`0?m ?m ep?`0?t e m psp?`0?d esp?`0?p ro d uit s p?`0?d ep?`0?p om pag eU??HUp?`0? u nep?`0?c o nnais sa n ce
a p pro fo nd ie p?`0?d esp?`0?a p plic a tio nsU??HUp?`0? e tp?`0?d esp?`0?s e rv ic e sr2q?wp?`0? L?v? ve cp?`0?n o tr e p?`0?la rg ep?`0?g am mep?`0?d ep?`0?p om pesp?`0?d ?e au p?`0?c la ir e p?`0?e tp?`0?d ?e au p?`0?u s? eU??HUp?`0? n o us
r? p ond onsp?`0?a in sip?`0? a u xp?`0?b eso in sp?`0?e n p?`0?p om pag ep?`0?d ?e ff lu en ts p?`0?d ?? le va g ep?`0?e tp?`0?d ?e au p?`0?p ourp?`0?l?i r rig atio nr2q?wp?`0? ?PX?p np?`0?o utr e U??HUp?`0? a ve cp?`0?s a p?`0?p ro fo nd e
co m pr? h en sio np?`0?d up?`0?t r a it e m en tp?`0?d esp?`0?e ff lu en ts p?`0?a g ric o le sp?`0?e tp?`0?s a p?`0?g ra n d ep?`0?e xp ?rie n ce p?`0?d an sp?`0?le sp?`0?t e ch no lo g ie sp?`0?d FGX?`a g it a tio nU??HU
Xyle m p?`0?e stp?`0?u np?`0?p arte n air e p?`0?f ia b le p?`0?p ourp?`0?v o sp?`0?b eso in sp?`0?d ep?`0?t r a it e m en tp?`0?d an sp?`0?l?a g ric u lt u re p?`0?o up?`0?la p?`0?p ro d uctio np?`0?d ep?`0?b io g azr2q?w
E xp ertis e aw7OGe n aw7OGm ati? re aw7OGd eaw7OGc o nce p tio naw7OGd eaw7OGs y st? m es
Q uels aw7OGq ueaw7OGs o ie n taw7OGv o saw7OGb eso in s,aw7OG n o usaw7OGp ro p oso nsaw7OGt o ujo urs aw7OGu neaw7OGe xp ertis e aw7OGe n aw7OGm ati? re aw7OGd Zenuin g ?n ie rie aw7OGs y st? m e?faw7OG V o usaw7OGp ouve z
vo usaw7OGf ie raw7OG? aw7OGn o usaw7OGp ouraw7OGc a lc u le raw7OGle saw7OGp uis sa n ce saw7OG? le ctr iq uesaw7OGn ?ce ssa ir e s,aw7OG le saw7OGp erte saw7OGd eaw7OGc h arg e,aw7OG la aw7OGd im en sio naw7OGd esaw7OGt u ya u xaw7OGo u
p ouraw7OGo p tim is e raw7OGla aw7OGc o nce p tio naw7OGd eaw7OGv o tr e aw7OGin sta lla tio naw7OGd eaw7OGp om pag e?f
N ousaw7OGp ouvo nsaw7OG? g ale m en taw7OGv o usaw7OGa id eraw7OG? aw7OGd ?fin ir aw7OGle saw7OGc a ra ct? ris tiq uesaw7OGd eaw7OGp om pag e,aw7OG ? aw7OGc o nce vo ir aw7OGle saw7OGr ? se au xaw7OGe taw7OG? aw7OGv ? rif ie raw7OGle
f o nctio nnem en taw7OGd esaw7OGp om pesaw7OGe n aw7OGs ? rie aw7OGo uaw7OGe n aw7OGp ara ll? le ?faw7OG
L e aw7OGd im en sio nnem en taw7OGe taw7OGle aw7OGt y p eaw7OGd eaw7OGc o nfig ura tio naw7OGs o ntaw7OGd esaw7OGf a cte u rs aw7OGc rit iq uesaw7OGp ouraw7OGla aw7OGm axim is a tio naw7OGd esaw7OGp erfo rm an ce s?f
E naw7OGf a is a n taw7OGa p pelaw7OG ? aw7OGn o tr e aw7OGe xp ertis e aw7OGe taw7OGe n aw7OGu til is a n taw7OGd esaw7OGo util s aw7OGin te llig en ts ,aw7OG n o usaw7OGa n aly so nsaw7OGv o saw7OGb eso in saw7OGa fin aw7OGd Zenuid en tif ie raw7OGle
s y st? m eaw7OGd Zenua g it a tio naw7OGs u sc e p tib le aw7OGd Zenuo p tim is e raw7OGv o saw7OGp ro c? d ?s?f
S o utie n aw7OGa ssu r? aw7OGt o utaw7OGa u aw7OGlo ng aw7OGd uaw7OGp ro ce ssu s
N osaw7OGr e co m man d atio ns,aw7OG ? la b or? esaw7OG? aw7OGp artir aw7OGd eaw7OGlo g ic ie ls aw7OGd eaw7OGm ?ca n iq ueaw7OGd esaw7OGf lu id esaw7OGn um ?riq ueaw7OGs p ?cia le m en taw7OGd ?ve lo p p?s
etaw7OGv a lid ?s,aw7OG r e p ose n taw7OGs u raw7OGd esaw7OGm od ?le saw7OGp ertin en ts aw7OGm in utie u se m en taw7OGs ? le ctio nn?s?faw7OG N osaw7OGb an csaw7OGd Zenue ssa i,aw7OG a sso ci? saw7OG? aw7OGd es
m esu re saw7OGd eaw7OGp erfo rm an ce saw7OGs u raw7OGle aw7OGt e rra in ,aw7OG f o urn is se n taw7OGa u xaw7OGin g ?n ie u rs aw7OGd eaw7OGX yle m aw7OGt o ute saw7OGle saw7OGin fo rm atio nsaw7OGn ?ce ssa ir e saw7OGs u raw7OGle
f o nctio nnem en taw7OGd eaw7OGn o saw7OG? q uip em en ts aw7OGe n aw7OGc o nd it io nsaw7OGr ? elle s?faw7OG Fg??( Zenue staw7OG? aw7OGp artir aw7OGd eaw7OGc e tt e aw7OGc o nnais sa n ce aw7OGe taw7OGd eaw7OGc e tt e aw7OGe xp ertis e
q ueaw7OGn o usaw7OGv o usaw7OGa id onsaw7OG? aw7OGm ain te n ir aw7OGv o tr e aw7OGin sta lla tio naw7OGe n aw7OGp arfa it aw7OG? ta taw7OGd eaw7OGf o nctio nnem en t?f
R ?se au aw7OGd eaw7OGm ain te n an ce aw7OGg lo b al
S iaw7OG v o usaw7OGa ve zaw7OGle aw7OGm oin d re aw7OGp ro b l? m eaw7OGa ve caw7OGv o tr e aw7OGp om peaw7OGs u b m ers ib le aw7OGF ly g t,aw7OG v o tr e aw7OGa g it a te u raw7OGF ly g t,aw7OG v o tr e aw7OGp om peaw7OGd eaw7OGf o ra g e
Lo w ara aw7OGo uaw7OGt o utaw7OGa u tr e aw7OGd eaw7OGn o saw7OGp ro d uit s ,aw7OG u neaw7OGa ssis ta n ce aw7OGp ro fe ssio nnelle aw7OGe taw7OGd esaw7OGp i? ce saw7OGd ?ta ch ?esaw7OGd Zenuo rig in eaw7OGs o ntaw7OGt o ujo urs
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E tr e aw7OGa u aw7OGc ? t? aw7OGd esaw7OGin sta lla te u rs aw7OG?
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Po uraw7OGo b te n ir aw7OGl a aw7OGd ern i? re aw7OGv e rs io naw7OGd eaw7OGc e aw7OGd ocu m en t
etaw7OGp lu saw7OGd Zenuin fo rm atio nsaw7OGs u raw7OGn o saw7OGm arq uesaw7OGp ro d uit s ,
re n d ez2?2v?v o usaw7OGs u r
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Date d'upload du document :
mercredi 29 avril 2020