
Contenu du document
16S metagenomics powers human, animal, and environmental microbiome
studies of any scale.
Dynamic host-microbe interactions
have shaped the evolution of life.
Virtually all plants and animals are col -
onized by microbiota, which are eco -
logical communities of commensal,
symbiotic, and pathogenic microor -
ganisms. And it is increasingly recog -
nized that the biological processes
of hosts and their associated micro -
bial communities function in tandem,
often as biological partners forming a
collective entity known as a metaor -
ganism [1]. Microorganisms form very
diverse communities and a character -
istic of these communities is that a
few taxa dominate them, while a very
large number of taxa occur with lower
frequency [2]. Furthermore, taxa that
cannot be cultivated may also occur
and therefore such taxa cannot be
detected by classical methods.
The rapidly growing interest in micro -
biome research has been reinforced by
the ability to profile different microbial
communities using Next Generation
Sequencing (NGS). This culture-free,
high-throughput technology enables
the identification and comparison
of entire microbial communities,
which is known as metagenomics [3].
Metagenomics typically involves two
different sequencing strategies: the
first sequencing strategy is amplicon
sequencing, which is usually of the 16S
rRNA gene as a phylogenetic marker,
while the second sequencing strategy
is shotgun metagenome sequencing,
and this is a whole genome sequenc -
ing approach [3]. Therefore, metagen -
omics provides comprehensive
answers to a range of important ques -
tions, including the influence of the
human intestinal flora on health.
The use of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene
in prokaryotes and the ITS sequence
(internal transcribed spacers of rDNA)
in fungi as phylogenetic markers has
proven to be an efficient and cost-ef -
fective strategy for microbiome anal -
ysis. In fact, experiments revolving
around 16S rRNA allow even the impu -
tation of functional contents based on
taxon frequencies [4] [5].
On the other hand, shotgun metagen -
omics enables researchers to measure
the functional relationships between
hosts and bacteria by directly deter -
mining the functional content
of samples. In addition, shotgun
metagenomics has a theoretically
unbiased coverage of all taxonomies
found in a DNA sample. However,
contamination with host DNA and
the occurrence of low frequency taxa
requires very deep sequencing if one
is to achieve the same taxonomic res -
olution as 16S rRNA sequencing. This
means a manifold increase in both the
costs and the data load. In this White
Paper we will limit ourselves to 16S
amplicon sequencing and the factors
that need to be taken into account
when conducting it.
Amplicon Metagenome Analyses of Microbial
Communities – Doing It the Right Way
Microbiota and NGS - a Dream Team
Typical Barcoding Loci for Bacteria and Fungi
16S rDNA as barcoding locus in prokaryotes
The 16S rRNA gene is the DNA
sequence corresponding to ribosomal
RNA and it is essential for the synthe -
sis of all prokaryotic proteins. The 16S
rRNA gene occurs in all bacteria and
it is highly conserved and highly spe -
cific. The internal structure of the 16S
rRNA gene is composed of variable
regions (see Figure 1 ). Having varying
Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSchützenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41fi71fi722fi83 33 ? Fax + 41fi71fi722fi87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY White Paper ? Next Generation Sequencing
Figure 1: Overview of ribosomal gene loci commonly used for the taxonomic analysis of microbial communities. Hypervariable regions are marked in green, while
conserved regions are marked in gray. A. Structure of the prokaryotic 16S rRNA gene showing the nine hypervariable regions (V1-V9) and the regions targeted by the
commonly used primer systems. B. Organization of the fungal rRNA gene operon showing two internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS). ITS2 is used most often for
profiling fungal communities. C. 3D structural model of the 16S rRNA of Escherichia coli according to Tung et al [10]. The variable regions in the 16S rRNA are shown in
green. D. Secondary structure of the 16S rRNA with variable regions in green.
Choosing the Right Primer Set is the Key to Success!
Amplicon metagenomics is based
on NGS sequencing of the microbial
16S rRNA gene. Since NGS single read
lengths are limited to 300 base pairs
(600 bp for paired end reads) when
using Illumina high-throughput plat -
forms, only parts of the 16S rRNA
gene can be amplified and sequenced.
In prokaryotes, the analysis targets
hypervariable regions (V1-9) on the
16S rRNA gene. Meanwhile, in fungi
the internal transcribed spacer regions
(ITS) are used for taxonomic profiling
(see Figure 1 ).
For 16S/ITS amplicon metagenom -
ics, it is important to give high prior -
ity to the choice of primers. An ideal
primer system should be sufficiently
universal to cover a broad range of
taxonomic groups, while the result -
ing amplicon must provide sufficient
taxonomic information for a reliable
taxonomic classification. Based on
our experience and the validation of
our 16S/ITS analysis pipeline, we rec -
ommend the V34 primer system for a
broad and accurate bacterial classifi -
cation. However, if Archaea are also
expected, the V4 primer system should
be used in order to obtain a good tax -
onomic classification. It should be
emphasized that our service is not
limited to the presented marker genes
and primer systems; other phyloge -
netic marker genes (e.g. cytochrome c
oxidase I) and primer systems can also
be used. Furthermore, a pilot study can
be very helpful in terms of finding the
best primer system for your specific
research question. Finally, metagen -
ome analyses should only compare
communities generated with identi -
cal primer sets. This is because of the
biases of the different primer systems.
Besides the choice of the locus specific
PCR primers, the isolation of high-qual -
ity DNA from environmental samples
has a major impact on the outcome of
the study.
ITS regions as barcoding locus for fungi
The ITS region has become the gold
standard for the classification of fungi
[7]. With few exceptions [8], this locus
is suitable for distinguishing fungi up
to species level. In addition to the ITS
regions, other loci have been used for
barcoding fungi, although the data
basis is much smaller [9].
degrees of difference among the dif -
ferent bacteria makes it possible to
identify the taxonomic identity of
microbes, at the genus level and often
at the species level. Since it is not prac -
tical to sequence the complete 16S
rDNA using NGS, only a part of the vari -
able regions is sequenced.
Microsynth currently offers different
standard primer sets that have been
developed based on the recommen -
dations of the Human Microbiome
Project Consortium [6]. Specifically,
the V4 and V34 locus primers are suit -
able for most bacterial metacom -
munity projects. It has been demon -
strated in several studies that the
aforementioned primers facilitate the
detection of a broad range of taxa
(see Figure 1A ). Depending on the
project requirements, customer-spe -
cific primer sets can also be applied or
even developed and validated.
Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSchützenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41fi71fi722fi83 33 ? Fax + 41fi71fi722fi87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY White Paper ? Next Generation Sequencing
The first step in an amplicon metage -
nome project is deciding which
primer set is the most promising. At
Microsynth, the question of whether
to work with a standard primer set or
to instead develop a customer-spe -
cific primer set is discussed in detail
with the customer. In addition, it must
be defined whether DNA is to be iso -
lated internally or whether it should be
outsourced (see Figure 2 ). The DNA is
then amplified by PCR and Microsynth
uses a “two-step” PCR protocol for the
amplification. In a first step, the locus
is amplified with short template spe -
cific primers as well as an Illumina tail
adapter. From there, in a second step,
the so-called NGS fusion primers,
including an index for multiplexing as
well as an Illumina adapter, are used.
Previous studies have shown that this
protocol generates high quality mul -
tiplex amplicon libraries and ensures
high reproducibility [11].
Instead of only using a single forward
and reverse primer for first step ampli -
fication, some protocols use several
forward primers that differ in length
by adding various numbers of degen -
erate bases (wobbles, Ns) at the 5’ end
of the locus specific primer. An alter -
native but similar approach is to use a
fixed number of degenerate bases (see
Figure 3 ). Both concepts aim at adding
sequence diversity as this improves
the quality and quantity of reads gen -
erated on an Illumina MiSeq platform
(see Figure 4 ). The fixed length degen -
erate bases are less effective in terms
of introducing sequence diversity
compared to the staggered degen -
erate base approach. However, they
represent a good trade-off in practice
and are also easier to handle in down -
stream analysis. These protocols are
especially useful for high-throughput
projects where sequencing through -
put is particularly critical and many
samples are pooled.
For projects involving very low
amounts of starting material we rec -
ommend a three-step PCR protocol
including two subsequent locus-spe -
cific PCRs to increase the yield of
sequenceable amplicons. After equi -
molar pooling of the PCR products,
NGS sequencing is performed on the
Illumina MiSeq. Meanwhile, the final
and perhaps most important step is
the bioinformatic analysis. For this
step, we have established a designated
pipeline that comprises state-of-the-
art algorithms and software designed
to extract as much valuable informa -
tion as possible from the generated
data and to visualize the data in a cap -
tivating form. In the following section
we will show in more detail how a bio -
informatic analysis and its output in
metagenome projects can look.
What Does a Typical Project Schedule Look Like?
16S/ITS Metagenomics AnalysisProject Output:
Total DNA Isolation
Second Step PCR
Illumina MiSeq Sequencing
Option I:
Option II:
Isolated DNA
Project Input:
Report Generation
Option IV:
Bioinformatics only
Experimental Design
Option I:
Library Prep only
Option II:
Raw Data only
Option III:
Full Report
First Step PCR with Custom or Standard Primer Set
Option III:
First Step Products
Figure 2: Schematic representation of a project procedure for metagenome analysis of microbial commu -
nities. Depending on the initial situation and the problem, the first step is to determine the suitable primer
set. However, should the customer request it, a new primer set can be developed. Furthermore, either the
entire process - including DNA isolation - can be outsourced to Microsynth, or the DNA can be isolated by the
customer. At the end of the process the customer will receive a clearly structured report that can be used for
further analysis.
Figure 3: Principle of the degenerate base approach for primers. A: In the first step PCR, the target is amplified and the tail adapter is appended. 5 degenerate bases
are appended between the tail adapter and the locus specific primer. B: In the second step PCR the index and the adapter are appended. The second PCR product binds
to the Illumina flow cell and it is sequenced starting at the degenerate bases, which ensures sequence diversity.
A B f o rw ard prim er l o cu s sp eci? c
r e ver se prim er
l o cu s sp eci? c deg en erate bases
d eg en erate bases
t a il a d ap ter
a il a d ap ter
in dex a d ap ter
ad ap ter
i n dex
Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSch?tzenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41 71 722 83 33 ? Fax + 41 71 722 87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY White Paper ? Next Generation Sequencing
State of the Art - the Bioinformatics Analysis Pipeline from Microsynth
For the bioinformatic analysis of the
sequencing data, the sequenced
paired-end reads are first subjected
to de-multiplexing and trimming of
Illumina adaptor residuals. In a second
preparation step, paired-end reads
are filtered for their quality and their
locus specific primers are trimmed
as well. From there, the remain -
ing paired-end reads are de-noised
[12] to form operational taxonomic
units (OTUs), while in the process dis -
carding singletons and chimeras.
The resulting OTU abundances are then
filtered for possible barcode bleed-in
contaminations [13] to reduce noise.
Following this, the OTU sequences are
compared to a reference sequence
database, such as RDP [14], in order
to predict their taxonomies and cor -
responding confidence scores. The
resulting metagenome is visualized
by an interactive Krona chart [15] (see
Figure 5 ) that provides a quick and
easy overview of the data. This enables
the scientist to intuitively explore
the intricacies of the analyzed bacte -
rial community. The diversity of the
metagenomic community is expressed
in simple and comparable terms as
alpha and beta diversity scores. The
alpha diversity describes the intra-di -
versity of each sample, while the beta
diversity describes the inter-diversity
of all samples together [16]. Different
and widely used alpha diversity
scoring metrics are displayed in Figure
6B . On the X axis the analyzed samples
are annotated, and on the Y axis their
individual scores for each metric are
displayed. Rarefaction curves are cal -
culated in order to estimate if a micro -
biome has been sufficiently character -
ized. If the curves end in a plateau, this
signifies that the microbiome was suf -
ficiently covered (see Figure 6A ). The
complex interaction of multiple bac -
terial communities in a given envi -
ronment is described by beta diver -
sity based on a distance metric such
as Unifrac [17]. Principal component
analysis (PCA) helps in terms of simpli -
fying, understanding, and visualizing
such interactions (see Figure 7A ). In
Figure 4: These charts show the effect of degenerate bases on the quality of the sequencing. A: In the chart of the sequence content across all bases, you can clearly
see the 5 degenerate bases at the beginning of the sequence due to their typical distribution (approximately 25%). B: When no degenerate bases were included, the
beginning of the sequencing was always the same. C: The chart of the per base quality shows high quality scores for all bases when degenerated bases were used. D:
When no degenerate bases were used in the primers, the quality score soon decreased for longer reads.
Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSchützenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41fi71fi722fi83 33 ? Fax + 41fi71fi722fi87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY White Paper ? Next Generation Sequencing
??????? ?
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Figure 6. Examples of alpha diversity results. 6A. Rarefaction curves indicating whether sampling and sequencing covered the sample richness (the x axis displays the
sampled number of reads, while the y axis displays the number of detected OTUs). 6B. Alpha diversity measures for the analyzed community including observed rich -
ness; the Chao 1 index and the Shannon diversity index.
Figure 5. Interactive Krona chart of the bacteria
represented by 16S rRNA gene amplicon-based bac -
terial diversity in a feces sample. Each circle repre -
sents the phylum, class, order, family, genus, and
species from the inside to the outside of the circle,
respectively. In addition, the relative abundance of
each taxa is annotated on the chart.
Figure 7A , the PCA was able to explain
90% of the variance of the original data
with just two components (75% on the
first principal component and 15% on
the second principal component). If an
experimental design exists, dividing
samples into different categories such
as treated and control samples, the dif -
ferential OTU analysis reveals detailed
changes in the microbiome of the
analyzed groups [18] (see Figure 7B ).
Finally, functional profiles are pre -
dicted [19] (see Table 1 ) using various
publicly available databases. The path -
ways and their abundance within the
different samples are shown in Table 1 .
Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSchützenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41fi71fi722fi83 33 ? Fax + 41fi71fi722fi87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY White Paper ? Next Generation Sequencing
The complexity of metagenome analysis has increased in line with technological progress. In order to perform meaningful
metagenome analyses, our experience has taught us that the following success criteria are important:
• It must be considered which variable DNA region (e.g. on the 16S rDNA or ITS regions) is best suited for the intended
study. Based on these considerations, the optimal primer set is determined (and, if possible, it is pre-tested in a pilot
• To be able to amplify the different taxa representatively and to sequence them afterwards, a robust and functional DNA
isolation procedure must be available. On the other hand, we recommend a “two-step” protocol if possible, to enable the
use of high-quality amplicon libraries for the subsequent sequencing.
• Data analysis should be performed using a few but meaningful bioinformatics tools.
• If you are lacking experience in one or more of the above criteria, we recommend outsourcing the study to an experi -
enced service provider. Microsynth has more than 10 years of experience.
pathwa yd escrip ?o nS ample_ V3 4_1a Samp le_V 34_1 bSample_ V3 4_1c
NO NOXIPE NT-PWY pentos e phospha te pa thwa y (n on -oxida ?v e br an ch)4 55004630 04 6500
CA LVIN-PWY Calvin -B en son- Bassha m cycl
e3 9700 4020 04 0400
PW Y-7220 aden osine de oxyribonuc leo? des de novo biosynth esis II 397003 9800 40100
PW Y-7222 guanosine de oxyribonuc leo? des de novo biosynth esis II 397003 9800 40100
PW Y-7663 gondo ate bi osynth esis (a na erob ic
)3 8200 3860 03 8800
PW Y-6737 starch de grad a? on
V3 7400 3750 03 7800
PW Y-5101 L-isol eu cine bi osynth esis II 371003 7800 37800
GLYC OCAT-PWY glyc og en de grad a? on I (b ac terial
)3 6800 3760 03 7300
PW Y-7229 superpathw ay of ad en osine nuc leo? des de novo biosynth esis I3 6500 3700
03 7200
ANAG LYCO LYSIS- PWYg lyco lysis III (fro m gluc ose) 361003 6600 36700
Showing 1 to 10 of 336 entrie s
Table 1. Functional profiles predicted according to OTUs, their predicted taxonomies, and their abundance in each of the samples.
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??? ?
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Figure 7. Examples of beta diversity results. 7A. Principal component analysis plot to visualize sample clustering. 7B. This excerpt from a results table shows differ -
ential abundance of OTUs between two conditions, including statistical measures for differential abundance (log fold change) and significance (adjusted p-value).
Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSchützenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41fi71fi722fi83 33 ? Fax + 41fi71fi722fi87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY White Paper ? Next Generation Sequencing
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Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSch?tzenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41 71 722 83 33 ? Fax + 41 71 722 87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY White Paper ? Next Generation Sequencing
Microsynth AG
Schützenstrasse 15
CH-9436 Balgach
phone: +41-71-722 83 33
Microsynth AG, SwitzerlandSchützenstrasse 15 ? P.O. Box ? CH - 9436 Balgach ? Phone + 41fi71fi722fi83 33 ? Fax + 41fi71fi722fi87 58 ? info ?
THE SWISS DNA COMPANY White Paper ? Next Generation Sequencing
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