bulletin produit sur le viscosense 3d
document sur le viscosense 3d, mesure de viscosité et densité

Contenu du document
Viscosity & Density Measurement - Enabling Mass Flow Measurement
Product Bulletin
Most of the operating costs of a ship are fuel-related. Therefore, it is very important to use fuel in the most efficient way. The Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index (CCAI) is the index for the ignition quality of residual fuel oil and is calculated from the density and viscosity of the fuel. The measurement and control of viscosity and density ensure improved combustion efficiency, preventing engine damage and reducing fuel and maintenance costs.
Principle of operation
ViscoSense®3D is able to measure inline the actual dynamic viscosity and density of a large range of liquids. The unique measuring principle of ViscoSense®3D is based on a torsional vibration of a pendulum in liquid. The measured damping of this piezo-driven vibration is directly related to viscosity. A built-in temperature sensor measures temperature where the viscosity is measured.
Viscosity, Density, and Temperature Measurement
ViscoSense®3D is a highly accurate sensor with a superior measuring principle based on the proven ViscoSense® technology. It offers density, viscosity, and temperature measurements. Combined with VAF Instruments PT2 Flowmeters, this system is a cost-effective solution for mass flow measurement.
Viscosity Control
A large variation in the quality and composition of fuel oil makes the behavior of the fuel oil at higher temperatures difficult to predict. Optimal viscosity is needed for the best possible atomization of HFO in the engine, ensuring complete burning without remaining deposits.
Mass Flow Measurement
Fuel is generally bought in metric tonnes; hence, fuel consumption is increasingly monitored in kilograms. Smart usage of existing components of the fuel system, combined with an upgrade of the viscosity sensor, enables mass flow measurement.
For the Maritime Industry
After years of research, ViscoSense®3D, based on proven ViscoSense® technology, is specially designed for the maritime industry. VAF Instruments, a worldwide market leader in measurement and control systems, is a specialist for the maritime and process industry.
Cost-effective Solution
To enable mass flow measurement, only a small upgrade of your current fuel system is required. One ViscoSense®3D can be combined with multiple flowmeters in the same fuel system. Fuel consumption measurement by PT2 Flowmeters, combined with density measurement by ViscoSense®3D, provides a cost-effective solution enabling mass flow measurements with high accuracy, reliability, and repeatability.
Features and Benefits
- Stable and accurate in-line measurement
- Torsional vibration measuring principle
- No moving parts
- Minimal load on components
- Stainless steel 316L pendulum
- Smooth edged pendulum
- Compact light-weight construction
- Calibrated for life
- Type approval from all major classification authorities
Technical Specification
- Viscosity range: 0-25/50 mPa.s (others on request)
- Density range: 750-1100 g/l (others on request)
- Temperature range: 0-200°C
- Maximum operating temperature: 180°C
For detailed specifications, please refer to the document.