Elementar Portfolio 2020-A

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Leadership through Innovation
ELEMENTAR offers the most dynamic range of analyzers for high performance
analysis of organic and inorganic elements. Incorporating over 110 years of
innovation and development into a technology-leading comprehensive
product portfolio, Elementar targets the needs of many market sectors
including Environmental, Agriculture, Fuels, Materials, Chemical Research
and Forensics.
Always a Future-Proof Investment
Thanks to the outstanding robustness and longevity, analyzers include a
10 year warranty on high temperature combustion furnace and thermo-
conductivity detector (TCD) cell. With the confidence that you will receive
the highest level of technical support from our experienced team, Elementar
provides spare parts for a minimum of 10 years after the end of production.
This results in outstanding low cost of ownership and gives customers
confidence in return of investment.
• Proprietary features not only save costs but deliver results faster with the
highest accuracy.
• High performance components and strict quality control ensure industry-
leading quality, reliability and robustness.
• Feature-rich software packages and clearly arranged, easily accessible system
components simplify daily operation.
• Highly-skilled, well-trained application support help customers get solutions
for those tough-to-run samples.
Elemental Analyzers (CHNS + O + Cl, N/protein, TOC)
Optical Emission Spectrometers (OES) • Software
Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers (IRMS)
Organic Elemental Analysis
Our analyzers for Organic Elemental Analysis are designed to offer industry-leading versatility in elemental analysis.
Thanks to our proprietary Advanced Purge and Trap (APT) technology even the most challenging C?:?N elemental
ratios of up to 12,000?:?1 can be reliably measured. Optional conversion kits make it possible to upgrade every
instrument at any time for special applications.
• Fast analysis time
• Integrated 60 position autosampler
as standard
• Chlorine determination as an option •
Industry-leading performance
• Blank-free oxygen detection
• 1450 °C furnace temperature for
matrix-independent results
• Integrated 120 position autosampler
as standard
trace SN cube
• Industry-leading performance
and versatility
• Detection limit of 6 ppb for sulfur
• Detection limit of 15 ppb for nitrogen
• For liquids, LPG, gas and solid
UNICUBE ® vario EL cube vario MACRO cube vario MAX cube
Elements CHNS and O or Cl with multiple modes N, CN, CNS
Max. C content 14 mg
(50 mg in CN mode) 40 mg
150 mg 500 mg
Sample weight
(for soils with 1% C) < 0.5 g < 1 g< 1.5 g < 5 g
Sample homogeneity
(recommended) high highmedium low
Ash removal manualautomatic
rapid CS cube rapid OXY cube
Detection limit of 10 ppm N
• Low total cost of ownership
Integrated 120 position autosampler
as standard
UNICUBE ® trace
LPG Module
Gas Module
• 20 ?l sample loop, multiport valve
and heated tube
Injection of LPG without soot formation
• Injection of gaseous samples up
to 60 bar
• 20 ml gas loop volume
N/Protein Analysis
Our N/protein analyzers use the high-temperature combustion method according to Dumas, which has clear
advantages over Kjeldahl regarding laboratory safety, sample throughput, labor time, amount of chemical
waste and thus cost-per-analysis. Our analyzers for the determination of N/protein are dedicated instruments
serving today’s customer needs in regards to price-per-sample, throughput and sensitivity.
• Lowest cost per sample
• Inexpensive CO
2 as carrier gas
• EAS REDUCTOR® for up to 2,000 samples
Fastest analysis (3-4 min.) •
Simplified sample preparation
Argon as carrier gas (helium optional)
® for over 1,000 samples
Advanced crucible technology with
automatic ash removal
rapid N exceed ® rapid MAX N exceed
vario TOC cube
Choice between two IR detectors for
trace and standard TOC analysis
Industry-leading performance and
• Optional automated sample feeding
for solids
• External CLD for trace TN
b analysis
soli TOC ® cube
• Precise temperature programming
with fast heating rates
• Optional carrier gas switching for
better separation of ROC and TIC
• Option to determine nitrogen
• Advanced crucible technology with
automatic ash removal
acquray ® series
• Optimized UV/persulfate digestion
for trace TOC analysis
Large reactor and injection volumes
up to 40 ml
• Best price-to-performance ratio
• Option for TOC, ROC and TIC in solids
• Options for TN and TP in water
enviro TOC
Customized for TOC in environmental
water and wastewater
• 60-position autosampler for 40 ml
EPA vials
• Unique matrix separation with SALTTRAP
• Optional automated sample feeding
for solids
• Choice between integrated CLD and
EC cell for TN
b determination
TOC & Water Analysis
Our TOC analyzers offer fast and easy determination of total organic carbon in water and solids. Packed with
innovative technologies and features, the robust design guarantees highest possible uptime and unrivaled
performance for routine operation.
TOC module
solid module
T P module TN module
inductar ® EL cube
• World’s first 5 element analyzer for
the analysis of CS/ONH in inorganic
• Sample feeding technology from the
top allows the analysis of 5 elements
with only one instrument
• Solid-state induction technology for
extra-long furnace lifetime
inductar ® CS cube
• Minimized dust and debris makes
tedious cleaning needless
• Advanced crucible design for secure
unattended 24/7 operation
Semi-automated or fully automated
sampler with up to 89 positions
• For fast, precise metal analysis and
on-site identification in laboratory
• Revolutionary operation of the
software for quick and easy
• Simple reporting thanks to data
export at the push of a button
• Precise nitrogen analysis in duplex
thanks to innovative CONLYTE
technology (patent pending)
inductar ® ONH cube
• First ONH analyzer with a solid-state
induction furnace
• Simultaneous analysis of oxygen,
nitrogen and hydrogen possible
• Instruments with H-, OH- and ON-
only configurations also available
Inorganic Elemental Analysis
The innovative inductar ® series was developed for easy and accurate analysis of carbon, sulfur, oxygen,
nitrogen and hydrogen in inorganic materials. Temperatures up to 3,000 °C are reached by the long-living solid-
state induction furnace, which is necessary for the analysis of high melting materials. Thus, together with high
performance detectors, accurate and reliable results are guaranteed. Furthermore, customers can enjoy easy
sample analysis with high sample throughput.
Optical Emission Spectrometry (OES)
Spark OES is the most reliable and established analytical technique to determine the mass fraction or identification
of metals and their alloys. OES analyzers from ELEMENTAR meet the highest requirements of the metal industry,
from production control to research and development, from the inspection of incoming or outgoing materials to
scrap sorting.
ionO S
Make your database work for you with ArDB
The most advanced stable isotope software ever created
ArDB makes it simple to construct, maintain and manage a database of analytical results, no
matter which technique generated the result. With your results organized and recorded along-
side associated sample meta data you can interrogate your data easier than ever before. The
powerful capabilities for data visualizations make it simple to discover trends and relationships
within your data. The fully integrated multivariate analysis tools, allow databases with a high
dimensionality of analytical results to be statistically reduced for easier interpretation.
ion OS
® is the most advanced software ever cre
ated for the stable isotope community. With
the increasing demand on the modern-day laboratory for ever more efficiency, the overhead
of processing and evaluating large data sets is an unwelcome requirement. ionOS removes
these demands saving the analyst time and money whilst generating data more consistently.
Designed completely from the ground up and uniquely for stable isotope analysis, ionOS
provides exceptional automation and sophistication in your EA and GC data processing.
ion OS delivers unparalleled gains for the entire stable isotope community.
To compliment our innovative instrumentation, we have created a range of software products offering a brand
new user experience whilst working with our instruments. ArDB allows scientists to easily compile a database
of any analytical result generated by theirs or a colleagues laboratory whilst ion OS
® offers unparalleled control
of our IRMS instruments.
isoprime visION Solutionsisoprime precisION
Comprehensive, tailor-made
solutions for routine stable
isotope analysis
Smallest IRMS footprint on the market
Fully automated system setup and
performance checks
• ion OS
® advanced IRMS software •
High performance IRMS system with
excellent sensitivity, accuracy and
Simultaneous measurement of up
to 10 ion beams for multi-collector
• ion OS
® advanced IRMS software
• Dual Inlet configuration optional
Industry-leading accuracy and
precision thanks to APT technology
• Capable of analyzing materials with a
C:S ratio of >5,000:1
• Excellent analysis of large sample
sizes up to 30 mg (abs) carbon
Reliable results, even for low-
microgram samples
• Patented ball valve for blank-free
sample transfer •
Entry-level elemental analyzer for
¹?N, ¹³C and ³?S analysis of organic
• Reliable results for sample sizes up
to 7 mg (abs) carbon
Patented ball valve for blank-free
sample transfer
Tool-free routine maintenance
• Integrated autosampler with up to
240 positions
vario ISOTOPE cube vario ISOTOPE select
• OH and CNS isotope ratio analysis all
in one universal instrument
• Industry-leading accuracy and
precision thanks to APT technology
• Matrix-independent, reliable
results thanks to patented backflush
technology, with exceptional
separation of N? and CO
• Capable of analyzing materials with a
C:S ratio of >5,000:1
vario PYRO cube ®
Only truly integrated TOC-IRMS system
for analysis of dissolved organics
Eliminates the need for sample
extraction and purification
• High temperature combustion of
recalcitrant compounds yields
100 % C and N recovery
Exceptional dissolved organic carbon
and bound nitrogen isotope analysis
iso TOC ®
Stable Isotope Analysis
For more than 40 years, we have been developing and manufacturing Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
(IRMS) instruments in Manchester, UK. In conjunction with a comprehensive range of complimentary inlet systems,
the IRMS solutions provide high performance measurements of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur
isotopes in solid, liquid and gaseous samples.
Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers
Our new xION isotope ratio mass spectrometer platform is the smallest 5kV instrument available on the market thanks to
the uniquely designed ion optics and integrated centrION CF gas handling system. Combined with ion OS ® software the
xION platform combines exceptional analytical performance with powerful automation and intelligence.
EA Inlets
Our EA-IRMS solutions are the most technically advanced available and offer innovative technologies for best analysis results.
With our unique Advanced Purge and Trap (APT) technology for separating and focussing gas mixtures as well as the zero-blank
ball valve sample introduction system, analyses are straightforward, no matter how complex the samples.
• Headspace analyzer for a broad range
of sample matrices
• UltiTrap
TM technology provides
dynamic separation of sample gases
• Carrier He flow controlled by a digital
high precision MFC
• 180-position heated sample tray with
±0.1 °C stability up to 90 °C
• Direct drive pump for precise delivery
of acid (optional) •
Cryogenic pre-concentration system
for analysis of atmospheric
concentrations of CO
2, N2O and CH 4
greenhouse gases
• Perform high-sensitivity analysis of
nitrate via 'bacterial denitrification'
• Optional 1,500 °C furnace for ¹³C
analysis of CH?
Online measurement of
13C, 15N, 2H and 18O in compounds separated by GC
Agilent 7890B GC with split/splitless,
PTV or on-column injectors
• High temperature ²H pyrolysis of
compounds at 1,450 °C
• Optimized to maintain chromato-
graphic integrity
• High precision pure gas analyzer
• The only dual inlet instrument capable of extremely high precision
measurements of carbonate and water samples
• Micro-volume cryogenic cold-finger makes analysis of very small (5 µg)
carbonate samples possible
• The world’s highest precision ¹?O analysis of water samples
• Extremely compact benchtop system •
The only LC-IRMS interface to use
high-temperature combustion to
convert separated compounds to CO
2 • Robust analysis and significantly
improved maintenance intervals
• Exceptional chromatography
• Ideal for high throughput LC-IRMS
iso CHROM ® LC
• Liquid chromatography interface
for ? 13C measurements
• Fractionation-free wet chemical
oxidation at 90 °C
• Direct injection mode for bulk
isotope measurements
• Excellent chromatography
Chromatography Inlets
Compound specific isotope analysis is a powerful technique which allows complex mixtures of organic compounds to be
separated and then isotopically analyzed. Compound separation is done via GC or LC techniques prior to fractionation-free
real-time conversion of the compound to gaseous phase. Our systems offer exceptional sensitivity and chromatography.
Headspace Analysis
Headspace analysis is a technique whereby samples for isotopic analysis are prepared into septum sealed vials or flasks.
This includes atmospheric gases, breath, fluids and carbonate materials. These systems perform automated sampling,
purification and concentration of the analytical species of interest allowing high precision, high sensitivity analysis of a
broad range of sample types.
Dual Inlet Analysis
Dual inlet technology is the ultimate solution for those applications looking for the highest possible precision and
sensitivity for isotope analysis of pure gases. This is due to the unique ultra-low volume change-over valve which performs
multiple comparisons between sample and reference gas to drive down analytical precision. Our dual inlet system has the
smallest footprint making it an ideal choice for busy laboratories.
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
Elementar-Straße 1 · 63505 Langenselbold (Germany)
Phone: +49 (0) 6184 9393-0 | |
Art.-No. 05 003 711, 03?/?2020 A
Elementar – your partner for excellent elemental analysis
Elementar is the world leader in high performance analysis of organic and inorganic elements.
Continuous innovation, creative solutions and comprehensive support form the foundation of the Elementar
brand, ensuring our products continue to advance science across agriculture, chemical, environmental,
energy, materials and forensics markets in more than 80 countries.
Leading in After-Sales Support and Service
Elementar provides complete solutions that incorporate innovation through instrument design
benefits. Once installed, ongoing services and qualification as well as technical support and
training programs can be provided. In addition, cost-effective consumable kits and parts are
readily available.
Because the best possible analysis performance and maximum system uptime increase sample
throughput and reduce costs, Elementar supports you with qualified services:
• Technical Customer Service
• System Validation Options
• Customer Training Programs
Quality you can trust
Our consumables and spare parts are designed to meet the highest quality standards and
reliability. They are certified and validated in accordance with international norms and standards.
We do not compromise on quality of our parts and chemicals – this is the prerequisite of a
guaranteed long lifetime of our instruments.
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Date d'upload du document :
mardi 5 janvier 2021