Brochure - MEXA-1170HFID - HORIBA (en)
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*Some additional equipment, options and settings are needed for some applications.
•Compact and user-friendly design
Convenient stand-alone operation
and replaceable built-in heated filter with one-touch
•Reliable and accurate measurements
Detector based on FID employed in MEXA-ONE series,
which proven reliability and accuracy
•Extremely wide measuring range
14 selectable ranges from 0-10 ppmC to 0-200,000 ppmC for a variety of applications
The MEXA-1170HFID is a single component measurement system
that measures total hydrocarbons with a heated flame ionization detector.
With the sampler and control unit cleverly incorporated into its compact case,
the MEXA-1170HFID is both easy to install and simple to operate.
It’s suitable for a variety of applications such as automotive engine emissions
including alcohol, LPG and CNG and evaporative engine from Sealed Housing
for Evaporative Determination (SHED).
Heated Type THC Analyzer
Bulletin: HRE-2171C Printed in Japan 1703SK13 e-mail:
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