Aerocet 531

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AEROCET 531 Handheld Particle Mass Profi ler & Counter
2-in-1 performance!
Applications: Controlled Environments Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality Hospitals & Clinics Process Control HVAC Applications Filter Testing Mining & Ore Processing Emission Sourcing Remote Sampling Whatever your particular needs, the right choice is only natural. Particle Mass Profiler and Counter in a Single Handheld Unit The Aerocet 531 is a small, handheld, batteryoperated, and completely portable unit. This unit provides both particle counts or mass PM measurements as stored datalogged values, real-time networked data, or printed results
Five Mass Ranges and Two Particle Sizes All fi ve important mass size ranges (PM1, PM2.5, PM7, PM10, and TSP) are displayed in mass mode as well as two popular cumulative particle sizes (>0.5 and >5.0 microns) in particle mode. Tailored Mass Conversion The particle counts from eight size ranges are converted to mass using a proprietary algorithm for typical-density aerosols. Accommodation for special particulate with different densities is provided through user-programmable “K-factors.” Flexible Data Interfaces The Aerocet 531 stores up to 4,000 records for printer output, Excel® formatted output, or networked datalogging through the included single computer software (AeroComm). Temperature and Relative Humidity Option A plug-and-play option that immediately adds ambient temperature and relative humidity capabilities to the displayed and logged data.
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Date d'upload du document :
mercredi 29 janvier 2020