
Contenu du document
913 pH/DO Meter
914 pH/DO/Conductometer
Combined measuring instruments for dissolved oxygen,
pH, and conductivity
Handheld excellence for your most
important quality parameters
Measure pH and dissolved oxygen in parallel
With the 913 pH/DO Meter, you can measure
the pH value and the concentration of dissolved
oxygen simultaneously in the same sample.
Reliable: the instrument informs you
when the sensor cap needs to be exchanged
Flexible: ideal for measurements in the field
or in the laboratory
GLP-compliant documentation
Print out your measuring results directly in the lab,
or save them as a CSV report.
Flexible: the instrument supports thermoprinters,
A4 printers, or impact printers
? Simple: CSV reports for data management
The latest generation of our proven range of meters has become more powerful.
Using the 913 pH/DO Meter or the 914 pH/DO/Conductometer, you can determine
the pH value, concentration of dissolved oxygen, and conductivity fast, easily,
and reliably. Count on trusted Swiss quality and enjoy the ease of use of our latest\
handheld meters.
Reliable measuring results
The instrument informs you when sensor
performance declines and the sensor cap needs
to be replaced.
Convenient: active monitoring of sensor
Cost-optimized: there is no defined limit
to the lifetime of the sensor. Instead, it depends
on the intensity of usage
Reliable: correct results over the entire lifetime
of the sensor cap
Optical measurement of dissolved oxygen
The new O
2-Lumitrode sensor provides faster
results for dissolved oxygen than conventional
Fast: the O?-Lumitrode is the sensor for
dissolved oxygen with the fastest response
time on the market
Maintenance-free: the O?-Lumitrode sensor
is always ready to use
Robust: the sensor membrane is protected from
mechanical stress and interfering external light
Measure pH value, dissolved oxygen,
and conductivity with the same instrument
With the 914 pH/DO/Conductometer, you can
measure all three parameters (pH, dissolved
oxygen, and conductivity) on the same platform.
Accurate: when measuring dissolved oxygen
in solutions containing high salt concentrations,
this can be compensated automatically
Dependable: the instrument informs you
when the sensor cap needs to be exchanged
Subjec t to change | Layout by RTS Rieger Team, printed in Switzerland by Metrohm AG, CH-9100 Herisau
8.914.5000EN – 2020 - 03 © Metrohm AG. All trademark s are the proper t y of Metrohm and its subsidiaries.
913 pH/DO Meter
2.913.0020 pH/DO Meter
2.913.0120 pH/DO Meter with Primatrode and O
2-Lumitrode in a case with various accessories
2.913.0220 pH/DO Meter with stand
914 pH/DO/Conductometer
2.914.0030 pH/DO/Conductometer
2.914.0130 pH/DO/Conductometer with conductivity sensor and O
2-Lumitrode in a carrying case
with various accessories
2.914.0230 pH/DO/Conductometer with stand
6.1116.000 O
2-Lumitrode with calibration vessel and oxygen standard 0 % 6.232'B
.000 Oxygen standard 0
6.5623.000 Replac
ement set for O
2-Lumitrode with calibration vessel and oxygen standard 0 %
Entreprise(s) concernée(s) :
Date d'upload du document :
mardi 25 août 2020